Shitty 8200-word draft of Marlinko finished. FYI for y'all as it has a few NN easter eggs in it.

Shitty 8200-word draft of Marlinko finished. FYI for y'all as it has a few NN easter eggs in it. 

Michael Moscrip and Mike Davison should definitely take a look at the Blood Jesus catacombs section as any co-creation of details may help jazz it up (and your character's are involved). Feels a bit flat in places to me.


  1. I saw my beloved TERMEX mentioned and an homage to Ooluu. Feel free to tack on the TERMEX lair I sent to you or any details from it.

  2. I will think on the catacombs section tonight. You hit most of my ideas already, with the ancestor bone ossuary and the traps.

  3. would be cool. rumor table heard around places. those are handy. is this one illistrated also?

  4. I was thinking of doing the rumors as news on the chaos index but you know now that you mention it, it could use a more general set of rumors. Thanks James Aulds. Jeremy Duncan is doing art which I'm excited about.

  5. please have some gravy bowl art if possible


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