Just to speed things up tomorrow night, I thought I would let y'all try and figure what way you want to get into...

Just to speed things up tomorrow night, I thought I would let y'all try and figure what way you want to get into Brazonia. The town of Iascu mid-map is where Tazrun's twin brother is reported to live. Your entry point is at Hex 05.14. Hex scale is 5 miles. 

Let me know what questions you might want to ask at the last Kozak sich before heading north or any other preparations.


  1. what's going on at 3.11 and 4.10?

  2. and does Father Jack have enough Create Water ability for us to travel through the trackless wastes without dying?

  3. 3.12 is a caravan stop/trade village. 3.11 is the first border fort and reportedly blocks the pass. 4.10 is another border fort at a very narrow defensible part of the pass.

  4. cole long IIRC the Brazonians have several forts set up along the road as waypoints for their patrols.

    My inclination is to try and cross through 06.12/06.11 and then follow the river up to Iascu, but that depends on how rough the mountains are.

  5. I am 90% likely to make this week. Should I play TERMEX?

  6. Failing that, I think we should go for the military road and try to bluff our way past the forts at 03.11 and 04.10, before cutting cross-country. The other option is heading to either of the eastern passes, which seem...fraught. Even without the ominous map insignia, we'd be travelling through several days of the trackless wastes, which sounds like a bad prize.

  7. like, i am not playing D&D in order to AVOID the red-eyed monster head symbols

  8. whereas dealing with a bunch of border-forts sounds like a huge pain in my ass

  9. Mike Davison TERMEX would be very welcome

  10. As opposed to a 2nd level, 1/2 naked barbarian with a great mustachio?

  11. i think we've got enough puny hu-mans already

  12. cole long I see your point; that said, I'm interested in minimizing the amount of time we spend at the border (so that we can get back to the Cantons and/or Feral Shore). I figured that if we're bluffing our way through we'd need to spend a bit of time at the first border fort, but almost none later.

  13. (Not fussed either way, really, just laying out my reasoning)

  14. Who's the wizard around here? Let's kill 'em.

  15. Both. Though if there's two answers to that the more local one probably easier.

    Also: where's Dracula live?

  16. I'm torn about many things, and can't decide.

  17. Also also: is there a library of some kind?

    Getting a cross-cultural perspective on a lot of the mythic we've encountered would be insanely valuable, but somehow I doubt they have much of their weirdness recorded.

  18. a. Arbadjyd the Windhumper
    b. In all of us.

  19. Iascu has a famous College where they even teach basic literacy.

  20. I should probably elucidate that one of the things I'm deciding is whether to stick with my original plan after last session and have Jack go from the Kozaks to Marlinko to do some bishoping for a while.

  21. i think A) we need his clerical skills on this journey and B) you can preach the word to the Brazonians

  22. a. Yeah, this is why I'm hesitant to stick with my plan. I will probably cave.
    b. That sort of thing seems to rarely work out.

  23. The Pass of Laughter and Light seems like the coolest way to go for me. Maybe we could investigate that series of ruins in the trackless waste? If we can uncover water sources there an army could pass along the base of the mountains to the PL&L and from 16.10->15.10->14.10 and upriver from there.

  24. Also, I'm not sure if the pass of woe is going to be wide enough to allow for a horde of Kozaks to easily maneuver through.

  25. Pass of Laughter and Light would be mean like 8 or 9 extra hexes to travel though

  26. True, but we also don't have a fort staring us in the face as soon as we get over the pass.

    I'm okay with checking out the Pass of Woe, but if it doesn't look right for an army I vote we keep going east.

  27. we could always see how the pass of woe looks when we get there. i'm just curious about that monster head.

  28. the pyramid, too, but it's a pyramid, it'll be there later

  29. hm, i thought 17.10 was a fort, but i guess its like a henge

  30. Strongly suspect that The Pass of Laughter and Light involves passing through the anti-Cantons or similar which sounds like a sidetrack.

    The Pass of Woe on the other hand merely sounds dangerous.

  31. why do you think it leads to the anti-cantons?

  32. The name is uncharacteristically fey which stylistically in the HC usually masks eld or relatives of eld which means anti-Cantons or other extradimensional.

  33. "Laughter and light" do sound like traditionally fey-associated things, which might point to the Eld.

  34. Or he has named them the opposite, just for stupid outsiders like ourselves. Greenland and Iceland anyone?

  35. Humza K  That is true, though I'd add that I meant "fey" in the sense of "dreamlike & otherworldly" and not specifically elfin.

  36. Of course if the plan is not "get in & out of Brazonia in a session or two" then I am 100% about Laughter & Light because it sounds terrifying and awesome.

  37. I'm willing to spend an extra session if it means we help the Kozaks do such large-scale raiding that they don't fuck with us (and hopefully get a share of the booty).

  38. Also what's up with the baobobs on the far right there that looks interesting.

  39. I'm technically a deserter, so it might be best to avoid the border forts. Plus, red-eyed monsters are great

    Michael Moscrip they're heathens already so maybe your heathenism wiII appeaI to them

  40. Evan Elkins Tazrun is technically a deserter, but does he have any identifying brands or any shit like that? It's been years, I don't know how they'd ID you. Especially since Tazrun now has a Pahr outfit/appearance.

  41. D0 y0u kn0w h0w many Braz0nian's have perfect, white teeth?

  42. Evan Elkins If that's the concern we can always knock out a few.

  43. I'd like to prioritize making sure we get to Iascu since that's basically Tazrun's Heroquest but we can look into some of these other possibilities on the way back

  44. I also figure that going to Iascu will let us get more intel as to what the details of those two passes are.

  45. i still think the Pass of Woe will get us to Iascu in the quickest and least-hangedest fashion as long as we can create water

  46. There are a ton of kozaks actually going to Brazonia with us? I was under the impression from last session that we might get some on the way back, but that none would be going north with us.

  47. Michael Moscrip I think the discussion is re: the deal we kinda-sorta-got to with the kozak leader last time - if we could provide useful intelligence for a Kozak invasion of Brazonia, he might consider shifting targets away from Ostrovo.

  48. i just foud out im out, wife has theater tickets for a thing we must attend. doing the wise thing and not even considering it a choice

  49. James Aulds Sad we're missing you, but that does look like a lot of fun. Enjoy!

  50. To be clear: the deal with the Kozaks basically was "we won't attack Ostrovo and King's Ten / the Domovillages if you find a way for us to attack Brazos", which is a lot higher on my list of priorities than Evan's heroquest. I would like to do the heroquest too, but it is more important to me that we avoid the sack of our colony.

  51. James Aulds you totally have to go to that. It's not like we won't be playing most every week.

  52. Just to move things along, what pass do y'all think likely to have consensus on? Or other plan of entry?

  53. All things considered, I vote Pass of Woe.

  54. If we g0 thr0ugh the pass 0f d00m and find a way t0 bypass/kiII the red eyed thing, it'd make a g00d raid r0ut f0r the C0ssacks.  0r we can teII them we did it and they'II get kiIIed and we w0n't have t0 w0rry ab0ut them anyway

  55. i still think the Pass of Woe is the most likely way to slip over the border unnoticed for recon as well as for the Kozaks to Hannibal into Brazos later

  56. also, i think in at least the medium term we need to eliminate the Kozaks' leader/destroy the sandtable

  57. cole long It'd definitely need to be "destroy the sandtable" since Chris has a 'no child killing' rule.

  58. really it's the table that's the problem

  59. Chris Kutalik if the Pass of Woe proves completely unfeasible we may move on to the red skull pass though

  60. The Pass of Laughter and Light. It is said that the mountain meadows are most fair there.

  61. Pass of Woe sounds fine to me.


    Robert Parker I mean, the Kozaks can try to sack our place, but there's no profit in it for them. They'd have to have a bunch of ships, or cut through a shitload of jungle (and attract the attention of the other forces we know are around, like the Serpent Riders and Rousseauean Savages, both of whom would be in their way), just to get to our place. While the lack of defenses might be tempting to him, I don't think that the Kozaks can get there. 

    All that to hit our colony, when we haven't given any grave insult and don't pose a serious threat? 

    (None of which is to speak in favor of changing our plans, Pass of Woe is fine by me, but just discussion re: threat eval)

  62. As someone else pointed out, the Grugach didn't seem to have any problems.

  63. Well Grugach are both interdimensional and magic. We don't even know where the bulk of that force came from (it was much larger than what we released from the Wood).

  64. And didn't a I0t 0f the 0nes we reIeased die fighitng the Turk0-fey?

  65. Yes the relatively small Black Horde was the one you released.

  66. I will count it as the standard five miles for simplicity sake.

  67. We made it into Brazonia, we stopped for the night at the gates of Iascu

  68. Soggywozzle the Dragonnewt has a brother who we slipped past without personally encountering. Probably need to deal with him. But i'm leaning to trying to leave via the pass of laughter and light, and seeing if that's a better kozak route

  69. His ghost howls in outrage "SARZAZANYYYYYY."


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