I have a strong suspicion that there will come a day in the campaign when a new party of player characters is sent...

I have a strong suspicion that there will come a day in the campaign when a new party of player characters is sent upriver in the Feral Shore to deal with the Nefarious Nine. 


  1. Once settled will have to teach the dirt gnomes how to cut dugouts.

  2. I really need to watch that again, haven't seen it in years. Call it prep for our FVM game.

  3. Mike Davison I have every intention of that also being my PC's goal for the end of your campaign too.

  4. My father 0nce c0mmented that this is the m0st accurate war m0vie because the unreaIity 0f it is the 0nIy way y0u can c0me cI0se t0 em0ti0naIIy experiencing the unreaIity 0f having s0me0ne try t0 kiII y0u


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