OK great minds the second iteration, some proofing and tweaking coming but this is substantively the KS.

OK great minds the second iteration, some proofing and  tweaking  coming but this is substantively the KS. 


  1. two things. do you want to create a hydra collective FB page to link to it, and a G+ page to follow for news, it will be easier for people to link and tag that way.  i think most of your pledgers will be HC readers or OSR people anyway but an way to share news about the projects on those might draw in more.

  2. and i wish the whole bear was visible on the cover pic, because its badass

  3. is the The Dunes Run Red like a mini domain game

  4. The Dunes Run Red is a By This Axe / By This Poleaxe scenario for running wargames in the SUD.

  5. "Beyond the big ticket adventure sites you will find along the way include a.." - feels like something is missing, probably between 'Beyond the' and 'big ticket' or 'sites, you will find' and 'along'

  6. "Choas Index, a dynamic events system s"

  7. "Test Drive $1. Like most hobbyists>,< we hate"

  8. I apologize - the kitten (who has commandeered my life) woke up just before 8. If my doing this is of any value, I'd happily finish later in the day :)

  9. might be helpful to add that to the Dunes run red sentence, that makes it cooler actually that its all included together

    is there a good map of the HC world in any of the supplements?

  10. curious if there is an ETA go live date on this?

  11. The original goal was tomorrow. That's probably unlikely as we have a couple short term snags. So I reckon mid-week.


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