Troop Procurement

Troop Procurement

We're currently thinking of setting up a temple to the Master and getting a unit of war-bears (wooo!). That could take 5000 gp or 13000 GP, depending on what tier of the Bearstarter we go for. 

That said, we should also look into a) hiring other units to defend the Shore, b) recruiting and training troops from our populace. Chris Kutalik said that we could probably get another 30 or so troops from our populace right now, I believe. 

We can probably have hirelings and/or Lady I serve as cadre for training troops, especially since I don't want to pull any of our troops off the line right now.


  1. Fun Facts about our current situation:

    30 troops remain defending King's Ten.

    20 slime zombies remain at The Y.

    The group fund sits at around 2600 suns available for the King's Ten Bear Bar.

    The rest of the money from the project needs to come from contributions from PCs.

    5000 suns gets us 100 soldier bears for 3 months, with 20 remaining as permanent garrison afterwards. More money means bigger temple means more bears in the long term. This is expensive, but bears have more HD than regular mercs. Also, they are awesome.

    We have an offer of 8000 suns on Lady Szara's properties from a shady businessman. I'm in favor of selling because whatever, but objections have been raised concerning the buyer's intentions. (Also 2000 suns of that represents Manzafrain's initial investment, which we may or may not choose to reimburse.)

    Lazzaro can maybe kick in some but is more concerned at the moment about replacing scrolls, zombies, & other resources spent repelling the grugach (all of which costs money).

    Marlankh, Ostrovo, & Kežmarok are all pretty much tapped out as far as mercenaries are concerned, meaning if we need to hire more then we'll have to look fairly far afield.

  2. Potential sources of other mercenaries, ordered by my understandings of ease of access, are:

    The Southlands
    Translittoral Canton of Hoimatbuch
    Sea of Grass Kozaks
    Marches of Nur
    Island Amazons

    Though we've already determined that Kozaks are a poor choice for our terrain situation.

  3. again i think we will regret selling the townhouses; Szara wanted them for a reason, "Francis Wolcott" wants them for a reason, there's a hook waiting for us that we dont want to miss and have used against us

  4. Wait, do we have 30 or 50 troops defending King's Ten? I thought that we had 30 there to begin with, and then we brought 20 more + firedwarfs to defend it.

    I concur not selling the townhouses, and think that it might be worthwhile sending someone (if you have a spare wizard servant, Anthony Picaro ?) to research the houses and figure out what's special about them.

  5. I don't trust any wizard I have access to to perform any independent operation in a populated area without Lazzaro's direct supervision.

    If I had to make a guess about the townhouses, it would be that they are a loci for Eldish planar manipulation.

    On the soldiers at King's Ten, maybe. I don't have that number written down anywhere and was just operating on memory. I remember there was something about combining half-units involved, so maybe it was 30 + 10 = 40 total?

  6. Oh one thing I was going with the standard 10 and 1 ratio for your levy. Since there is a high concentration of laboring prime age men in the colony I am going to double that to 60. Keep in mind that these are not trained soldiers.


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