To help you with your Merc shopping, here's a list of Merc troop types by quality and availability (A being most...

To help you with your Merc shopping, here's a list of Merc troop types by quality and availability (A being most available). 

Nurian Soldier-Bears (A if doing the deal with the Master)
Ostrovan pikemen (D currently)
Kozak horse-archers (B)
Northland atlatl-men (B, but distant)
Bila-Urkithian Amazon horse archers (C)
Oiorpatian Amazon skirmishers (B, but distant)

Laid-off units of the Overking's Black Army (B)
Marlank Reavers (C, but close)
Muth Tridentmen (C, but close)

Southlands merc companies (AA, cheap and plentiful)
Scarlet Sul. Spearmen (B, distant)


  1. would there be repercussions from hiring the laid off units of the OKBA?
    as in, does the overking care and would this draw notice and problems

  2. No I think he's anxious to get them out of the Corelands. It's a cyclical thing, standing armies being a new-fangled and expensive institution.

  3. what's the deal with "Northland atlatl-men;" they're the one group that's not recognizable to me

  4. I think that picking up Black Army units as the core of a new force is definitely the way to go here. Good availability, decent quality infantry.

  5. Humza Kazmi let's not forget "resentment and desperation" either

  6. Are they like to be Nemec babblers instead of good Pahr stock?

  7. cole long basically the blue-skinned folks living North of the World Canal like Kuhn-whathisface.


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