The situation at the Y currently:

The situation at the Y currently:
A day has passed since last session's battle (you get a day's worth of prep). A large swarm of giant mutant flies (around 30) has swarmed over the heaps of carrion north of the trench, not attacking unless disturbed. It rains heavily later that night for about a half hour. 

The Grugach blue and black hordes have regrouped and moved camp about a mile from the fort. The camps are separated by about 300 yards of distance. Overall they seem to have tightened things up: pickets are posted around the camps and patrols are moving around in the forest around the camps.

In the morning you see two large bands of bow-equipped Blue Horde Grugach swim across both branches of the river on both the west and east banks. Because it's a slow operation (the current being strong), it takes them most of the morning and they haven't moved forward by the time the session curtain comes up. 

Your forces:
9 units of Pikemen
2 units of Rarog
1 unit of Walking Wet

Their estimated forces:
Blue Horde 40-46 units, maybe a fifth have bows.
Black Horde (which seems to have regrouped some Red Horde decampers) 15-20 units, maybe a fifth have bows too


  1. perhaps the grootmen are waiting in ambush over there. optimism and i swear this sword just talked to me

  2. I'm guessing we don't have any way to set the glyphs back up.

  3. The hordes are drawing water from the east river which is pretty much impossible to poison (given its volume and rapidity of current.)

  4. You said the ground was rocky, right Chris Kutalik?

  5. Brad Ncube oh yes, correct they are bringing it up in buckets. Evan Elkins only really on the rocky outcropping the fort is built on, the surrounding area is thick riverbottom soil with occasional rocky places.

  6. Are their rocks of a size that if dropped from a wall they could kill a man?

  7. I am so far removed from what is happening, can't wait to get back to it though.

  8. While we need the extra manpower, it might have been better to wait a week so that your character could still be alive.

  9. Nobody lives forever, unless you have a Mother Factory (tm) working to download your brain into a new fleshy dwarf body....

  10. FFV outside in the woods again, new locations. That worked pretty well last time, and continues to inflict casualties as a horde continues to charge in.

    Target the flies with the catapult, firing when a Grugach horde is close to them. Catapult hits, Grugach are closest. Alternatively, Manzy can use an illusion of a Grugach targeting them.

  11. Chris Kutalik  about how large was the force that swam acrross to the far side?

  12. About 80-100 on either bank. They are about a half mile up river in either direction.

  13. I figure the bowmen will try to fire from the two sides and rake the fort's rear while the main hordes attack. Rig some shields on the walls there, provide cover.

    Other Manzy illusion: Lazzaro flying above the Grigach ready to blast them.

  14. Were we able to take any of the Grugach from earlier as prisoners?

  15. I want our pickets to collect some rocks to be thrown from the walls if it comes to that.  We may not have bows, but maybe gravity can help us.

    The only plan I can think of for the fighting is to make a line as we did but have the fire dwarves and reserves on the flanks to make them triple thick and then to pull the center in to make a nice curve so that we can bottle them up and deny them their numbers.  If we have to retreat into the fort though, that could be a problem.

  16. They are emptying the buckets into larger hide tubs Brad Ncube

  17. Humza Kazmi I think your idea about using Lazzaro as an illusion is a good one; they know him and he seems credible and he can fire lightning bolts. I could bring out Lazzaro five times, with each one dropping units that the Fire Dwarves can burn to death before they wake up.

  18. Humza Kazmi yes if you chose to bring in some of the seriously wounded left on the field.

  19. Brad Ncube You should be able to poison one tub and get away with it invisibly as that it is an indirect action. From what you observe you see three different tubs for three different high-ranking bonfire circles: one is made up of older high status male warriors, one of younger high-status warriors and a third for the highest ranking women nobles (all quite old but seeming to be revered). Which one do you want to poison?

  20. ALSO importantly when Martin sneaks into the Blue Horde camp he notices that the Black Horde is busy breaking camp (this being night presumably) en masse and loading up their elk.


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