So here's the situation report as the session begins tomorrow.

So here's the situation report as the session begins tomorrow. Note that though the action is paused I'm going to give any and all players (including those who won't be at tomorrow's session) a free night's worth of activity before the Grugach assault. 
Your forces:
180 Ostrovan Pikemen (veterans, half-plate, long pikes)
50 (?) Walking Wet Slimezombies (weapons?)
40 Rarog (fire dwarves, 4 HD with some mean special attacks)

Suspected Grugach forces (there seems to be serious friction between the bands):
Red Horde, 900-1100 mounted on elk, lances, some composite bows
Green Horde, 500-700 mounted on elk
Black Horde, 200-300 mounted on elk


  1. I was digging to  Marty Robbin's Big Iron in Fallout New Vegas last night,

  2. Chris Kutalik Unfortunately F:NV has like...5 songs. 

    Don't we also have Grot-men auxiliaries backing us up?

    Actions I'd like to take in the free night:

    We know that the Grugach are going to be coming down the main avenue of approach towards the fort. I'm thinking that BC is going to draw upon his Vietnamese heritage and hearken back to the old pit traps his folks always told him about... 

    * I'd like to set up punji sticks (we can skip the dung-coating), pits, deadfalls - lethal traps would be great, but I'm also looking for traps that can break the leg of an elk. The Grugach are going to be moving at speed, so they're not likely to be paying close attention to the path. The volume of traps is bigger here than lethality of individual traps.

    * We've got the catapult created, tested, and working. I'd like to set up a few pre-sighted target zones. In a few of these, I'd like to set up large collections of brush that will generate a lot of smoke. We can't pull a Hattin here and smoke the Grugach out (there's a river right there!) but I figure that additional smoke in their eyes will make it harder for them to fight and coordinate, and might help exacerbate tensions between the groups. (Also makes it easier for Manzy to pull illusionary shenanigans.)

  3. I shall give the Grotmen a rousing speech

  4. Yes forgot those little fuckers. Add 50 grotmen.

  5. It occurs to me that we've made actual short-term allies with Grugach before.. and possibly some of these very individuals? Unless all those we brought through before were slaughtered in the siege? Maybe we could try actual open negotiations with the medium sized group to try to get them to turn on the larger group?


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