A reminder that I will be in San Diego next week and consequently there will be no game.

A reminder that I will be in San Diego next week and consequently there will be no game. However I can do some limited play by post so here's your current Grugach Invasion situation report and a new development. 

Your forces (all survivors currently concentrated at the Dam):
50 pikemen
6 walking wet
50 fire-dwarves

Grugach (in the hex south of the Dam looting pikemen bodies):
Blue Horde (now assimilating part of the Black): 500?

New Development:
On the morning following the slaughter in the woods, you spot a small party of Blue Grugach riding cautiously up the lake shore. They dump a mutilated Grotman who stumbles over to the black pylon in a daze. Painted all over his back in now surplus Black Horde body paint is an elaborate rebus message presumably to the party. 

Though crude you can kind of make out:
1. The top line shows Grugach warriors wiping their brows and looking tired because of their exertion.

 2. EDIT A middle line showing the Nine represented in cartoonish exaggeration handing over what looks like a gold coin and then the number 1000 (strangely accurate and in the standard Hyperborean format) in a sack to a group of Grugach women

3. The bottom line shows the Grugach riding elk toward the Evening Star (which rises in the northwest)

The Grotman painfully manages to grunt out “please return to sender.” There is an odd magically-compliant look in his eye. 

What do you want to do?


  1. OOPs I totally fucked up. Line two shows YOU GIVING THE GOLD TO THE  WOMEN.

  2. well that changes things, pickle thought they where going to give us 1000 gold per head of craze elf heading north for safe passage

  3. is that the direction they came from in the first place?

  4. "This must be a remnant of my extended hibernation, what in the grinding gears of the Mother Factory is going on here?!?!?"

  5. Screw them. Let's kill 'em.

    Also 20 walking wet in the Y if they haven't looted that yet.

  6. I'd be more willing to pay them off if we knew anything at all about their recruiting and/or reproductive processes. Don't wanna leave 500 alive so they can come back with 3000 again in a month or two, especially if they think of us as a source of tribute.

  7. I don't see a situation of paying them that won't result in them trying to extort us later. Issues : do we have the resources to kill them now, would we benefit from buying time by paying them off and then fighting them later, or is this their point of maximum projected vulnerability right now

  8. I doubt we can beat them in the open. Need to figure a way to trick them into attacking a fortified position again.

  9. Anthony Picaro Robert Parker Humza Kazmi Mike Davison Michael Moscrip James Aulds Brad Ncube cole long a reminder that this post is actionable and has the situation.

  10. I think this is their max vulnerability. We definitely can't beat them in the open with our limited troops, though. If we can get a few new units and a good position that might be different, but right now there's no chance.

    Do we return to sender with "no deal," propose a different deal, or just go straight to shanking?

  11. I'm not necessarily averse to taking the deal.

  12. We can subtract the tribute they want from the bill of our expenses that they're going to pay.

    Lazzaro expended 1600gp in scrolls murdering them. I assume those 300 soldiers they killed cost something. And they collapsed the entrance to the mine, delaying extraction (I assume our Autarch can estimate how much we lost there).

    Subtract their 1000gp nonsense from that, and we'll settle up.


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