Official Ruling on Color Spray Robert Parker (also are there any other spells we need rulings on?)

Official Ruling on Color Spray Robert Parker (also are there any other spells we need rulings on?)
- The spell effects only as many Hit Dice creatures as the caster's level (thus making the creatures of higher HD part of the description null and void.)

- However the spell can potentially effect more than 6 creatures as described. Thus in the case of Manzafrain at 7th level his casting can potentially knock out 7 one HD monsters or 14 half HD critters.

- Targets are effected by distance from the caster, so closer in creatures always take precedence over those farther out in the cone.


  1. Now, is it that creatures are effected by distance from the caster, or from the point of the cone's origin? The spell has a range listed.

  2. The cone emanates from the caster.


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