Important decisions on your base camp upriver before tonight's game.

Important decisions on your base camp upriver before tonight's game.

 Okko's options for your fort (construction numbers from the Domain Game with some modification for circumstances):
1. Small fort built fast. 50 workers building a 60 foot square palisade with fighting platform and two longhouses and two cottages. Guarded by a unit of 24 Ostrovan pikemen. Time to build 3 weeks with the palisade completed in 11 days. Lumber to be cut from the forest and floated upriver.

Construction cost: 1960 gold suns 
Food and other supplies per month (includes extra for PCs and hirelings): 620 suns 
Extra “weird duty” pay for laborers and pikemen per month: 350 suns

2. Large fort built in two stages. Small fort built above and then adds a second adjacent square. Final fort completed in 6 weeks. Okko thinks you are going to need to double your mercs up there.

Construction: 3920 suns
Supplies per month: 810 suns
Extra pay: 500 suns

Decision on Food supplies
Okko proposes having a month of food supplies on hand at all times. But you need to tell him how often you want a supply boat coming in to refresh food and how it is guarded:
1. Twice a week.
2. Once a week.
3. Fortnightly
4. Once a month.


  1. One other thing I really need to know is what you all are doing during down time around this. Are you back in King's Ten? Are you at the camp? Or what? (And I'm willing to stretch the clock back a week and give you a week of activity before play tonight.)

  2. Large fort, I think. Supplied once a week.
    Downtime for Father Jack is spent making scrolls in either Domoville or King's Ten, wherever the group mostly bunks.

  3. I'm gonna miss tonight, guys, but Taurus will chip in 500 to the effort; can't really spare much more.

  4. I assume the costs don't include the extra mercenaries?

  5. Evan Elkins no they assume they come out of the colony's existing forces.

  6. So we don't have to buy more guys?

  7. BC can toss 500 into the pot. 

    It sounds like we can expand the small fort to a large one at a later date; I'm in favor of holding off on the expansion right now. Once a week food supply, maybe 5x guards.

  8. Lazzaro attends to his normal business during downtime, which he reminds is none of y'all's.

    Though any laborers who, before heading out, would like to have their work efficiency dramatically increased with only minimal damage to intellect and general personality can report to the Fortunate Dam, fill out a few forms, and be so endowed FREE OF CHARGE. And note that demi-ogre-fication has benefits beyond the vocational, as many curious dilettantes and spinsters can attest. In fact, these latter applications can often be thought of as a salable skill all on their own, depending on the overall prudishness of one's local jurisdiction...

  9. If there ends up being a rush on Lazzaro's minimal resources for conducting these alterations (1/day), then he has another, slightly more extreme option available for those who pride themselves on their unending devotion to industry above all else...


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