Campaign housekeeping time, a few points that need to be addressed:

Campaign housekeeping time, a few points that need to be addressed:
1. James Aulds has asked about joining the Tuesday play group. Most of you will probably kinda sorta know him from G+. He was the de facto leader of my NT Con game and played quite ably. As we mostly have done it I am going to leave whether or not the Nine expands up to y'all. What say you?

2. I feel like we have been drifting a bit in terms of campaign focus which I feel like is partially my fault. Thinking back on it early summer is usually the time where I draw up the Next Big Thing in the campaign, last year being the Feral Shore and the year before that Kezmarok (or was that the year before that?).

It looks like the Feral Shore colony is consolidating and taking off, no longer being the Jamestown-like misery fort and now something with three settlements and a massive temple on the way. Y'all are now entering the high-end of middle level and it won't be terribly long before high level stuff becomes relevant. Long and short we are on the cusp of another transition time for the party. 

There are any number of ways forward with a staggering number of hooks, sites and other sorts of things, so the natural question is “what do you want to do in the coming campaign season?” Keep in mind we can do several things (though I feel I do better when the dance cards becomes a bit more focused and limited). 

3. Downtime stuff has been a bit overwhelming for me recently. Sorry about that but with Danna stuck going to Houston 2-3 days a week every week for at least the next month and maybe more I feel that it's high likely for me to drag ass on that end. Any who feel free to still hit me up on this stuff as it's one of my favorite things with the campaign, but if you really want to have something happen it's probably better if you remind me a couple of times and keep the requests on the simple end.

4. Related to #2 but there is probably another palate cleansing mini-campaign coming in the Summer. Nothing tangible yet but I will take requests.

The menu:
Space Cantons
Iron Age Hill Cantons (probably powered by Stormbringer and set in the Marches of Nur 1000 years ago)
Boot Hill Cantones
A By this Axe/D&D hybrid military mini-campaigns
Furries & Frigates
Some kind of Spy thing


  1. 1. No objections, but I don't have a feel for what he's like. Robert Parker , trey causey , did you guys interact with James at NTRPG? At the very least, I'd be up for giving him a trial run. Hell, his group found the Codpiece after all. :P

    4. Military mini-campaign YES. VERY YES. Also up for the others, though.

  2. I've played a number of Wampus Country sessions with James and always found him a good player.

  3. 1. Sure.

    2. I think that's in your mind, as the "stoner camping" phase has been pretty interesting to me, with us returning to the FS and starting to pursue another expansion of the colony. The only problem has been a number of cancellations (due to sick kids / Danna out of town / etc).

    3. That sucks, but I totally get it.

    4. Space Cantons / Boot Hill Cantones. I feel like the FS will soon have plenty of chances for a By This Axe / D&D hybrid.

  4. I look forward to any "palate cleansers" you might have on offer, since I'd really enjoy the chance to play something focused with you again. That said, Space Cantons would be my preference, though I must admit that Boot Hill Cantons sounds intriguing, too.

  5. 1. Yes.

    4. Boot Hill, or Furries and Frigates (because I have no idea what that is).

  6. Mike Davison it's from this list of probable mini-campaigns:
    Hill Cantons Primeval
    Takes place something like 1000 years before the current campaign. Think northern boreal woods and steppes, migrating barbarian hordes and collapsing Hyperborean latter states, animal gods, living mythology. PCs can gather and lead larger and larger raiding warbands. If not D&D I might use Stormhack (my Stormbringer mod) or Runequest to run it (plus some Feudal Anarchy stuff). 

    Frigates and Furries
    Terraformed, abandoned world of uplifted earth-animals with early 19th century tech (circa 1820-1830) wilderness exploration with a nautical basis. Think Clipper ships, early steamers, bearoids in elaborate braided post-Napoleonic, uniforms, sabre duels, muskets, bizarro inimical life forms, ancient magictech sites, vast unexplored lands that get weirder the farther you explore. Game system modded Traveller? Who the fuck knows?

    Spies of Ruritania 
    Espionage and hijinks in fictitious Central Europe between the wars a la 's +trey causey recent obsession. Probably use that free Crimefighters rpg in Dragon #47 or modded Top Secret.

  7. I do have one request regarding #2, though. If everyone else is amenable, I'd ask that you don't introduce more non-FS quests in the short term. We've got plenty of options if we want to take a break from the FS and we all have an 'ooh, new' reaction which can derail us from pursuing longer-term goals.

  8. Well  Chris Kutalik then absolutely my vote stands for Boot Hill or Furries & Frigates.

  9. Robert Parker I have no plans to do so having a big chunk of unused materials in the Rubicand Caverns, the Rusevin, the Underwater City and Vlko.

  10. Vlko is still part of the FS though, right?

  11. Humza Kazmi it's rumored to be close by.

  12. 1. Sure.

    2.  I'd like to see what's going on with that old settlement I noticed on the ancient map.

    Although!  Related to #3: Tazrun found his long lost "brother" and he's living in Brazonia.  Not sure what to do with that information yet, but I think the answer is "something!"

    4. Honestly I like the iron age + BRP/d100 thing because I like iron age and d100 things.

  13. I'm thinking our dead character's family members need to track down and kill Brad's Hill Cantones (Boot Hill based Hill Cantons) character and do things to him that will make even him blush; blush then die.

  14. 1. Cool, one more seems highly appropriate to me.

    2. I agree with Robert in that I think campaign focus hasn't actually been that much of a problem. I'm fine with more hooks or whatever though, as in-campaign palette cleansers are also occasionally useful (though we do currently have plenty enough floating around).

    "Stoner camping" is caused by in-session lapses in focus of players (and the causes of that too numerous and variable to bother much with), not the campaign itself ;p

    My long term interest remains with the Shore, with the mine and Vlko as the immediate targets, leaving Rubicand Caverns and the underwater city on the backburner but still possible depending on the situation of the week.

    3. k

    4. Mostly interested in Frigates, with Space Cantons second.

    For the former, I really like Worlds Apart (fantasy Mongoose Traveller, with magic only as integrated into the system as psionics are normally) but some of its supporting systems are lame (the rules for actually sailing ships around is just reskinned jump drives...)

  15. Anthony Picaro I've been wanting to check that out.

  16. I'm okay with James joining. if You think he's cool that's good enough for me.

    I'm most interested in sticking with the feral shore exploration but i'm willing to go with the flow. i'm really sorry to have missed so many games lately; i have had a lot of late tuesdays and some technical issues. need to bite the bullet on a computer upgrade soon, i think

    space cantons is the most appealing mini-campaign to me, followed by boot hill

    have you ever run call of cthulhu?

  17. No never have, nor played it cole long. A big hole in my gaming.

    And no worries about missing games. I've missed a good deal recently too. Life shit happens.

  18. i really do hate to miss games though

  19. Yeah, miss having you around, cole long. Both the HC and SWoK lack something without you there.

  20. Ok so counting responses that is a "yes" for James joining. Also glad that y'all seem to be enjoying the FS walkabouts. I guess I worry when you don't see a lot of the standard session exp and treasure payouts.

  21. On mini-campaigns looks like a pretty even split with a slight lead for the Space Cantons followed by Boot Hill and then Furries & Frigates.

  22. If you need an "antagonist" NPC general, buzz me Chris (in particular, if the Feral Shore Erupts In War, that the Group Done Brought To Brink. Not any man, nor beast profound, could stop the barge from Sink)


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