
Showing posts from June, 2014

Anyone in the Niners club want a copy of Gangbusters?

Anyone in the Niners club want a copy of Gangbusters? I have have copy that I am looking to get rid of and will send it to you for 25 total (that includes shipping). If no one wants this poor neglected game it will be offered to ebay.... A Shelter Dogs; In the arms of an Angel. the game is here:

Official Ruling on Color Spray Robert Parker (also are there any other spells we need rulings on?)

Official Ruling on Color Spray Robert Parker (also are there any other spells we need rulings on?) - The spell effects only as many Hit Dice creatures as the caster's level (thus making the creatures of higher HD part of the description null and void.) - However the spell can potentially effect more than 6 creatures as described. Thus in the case of Manzafrain at 7th level his casting can potentially knock out 7 one HD monsters or 14 half HD critters. - Targets are effected by distance from the caster, so closer in creatures always take precedence over those farther out in the cone.

This motherfucker is very HC.

This motherfucker is very HC.,1327949514,84/stock-vector-landsknecht-vintage-illustration-from-meyers-konversations-lexikon-93975010.jpg

Pretty close to how I pictured our journey through the garden-like areas of The Rusevin.

Pretty close to how I pictured our journey through the garden-like areas of The Rusevin.

Important decisions on your base camp upriver before tonight's game.

Important decisions on your base camp upriver before tonight's game.  Okko's options for your fort (construction numbers from the Domain Game with some modification for circumstances): 1. Small fort built fast. 50 workers building a 60 foot square palisade with fighting platform and two longhouses and two cottages. Guarded by a unit of 24 Ostrovan pikemen. Time to build 3 weeks with the palisade completed in 11 days. Lumber to be cut from the forest and floated upriver. Construction cost: 1960 gold suns  Food and other supplies per month (includes extra for PCs and hirelings): 620 suns  Extra “weird duty” pay for laborers and pikemen per month: 350 suns 2. Large fort built in two stages. Small fort built above and then adds a second adjacent square. Final fort completed in 6 weeks. Okko thinks you are going to need to double your mercs up there. Construction: 3920 suns Supplies per month: 810 suns Extra pay: 500 suns Decision on Food supplies Okko proposes having a month of foo...

Campaign housekeeping time, a few points that need to be addressed:

Campaign housekeeping time, a few points that need to be addressed: 1. James Aulds has asked about joining the Tuesday play group. Most of you will probably kinda sorta know him from G+. He was the de facto leader of my NT Con game and played quite ably. As we mostly have done it I am going to leave whether or not the Nine expands up to y'all. What say you? 2. I feel like we have been drifting a bit in terms of campaign focus which I feel like is partially my fault. Thinking back on it early summer is usually the time where I draw up the Next Big Thing in the campaign, last year being the Feral Shore and the year before that Kezmarok (or was that the year before that?). It looks like the Feral Shore colony is consolidating and taking off, no longer being the Jamestown-like misery fort and now something with three settlements and a massive temple on the way. Y'all are now entering the high-end of middle level and it won't be terribly long before high level stuff becomes rel...

For a limited time only - the Lazzaro Hoodie!

For a limited time only - the Lazzaro Hoodie!

Happy birthday to fellow nefarious niner, Humza Kazmi!

Happy birthday to fellow nefarious niner, Humza Kazmi! Many happy returns!

I re-drew the Barge map to make it useful for y'all (and Jez Gordon when he draws the real deal).

I re-drew the Barge map to make it useful for y'all (and Jez Gordon when he draws the real deal). You will note why I never even considered becoming an engineer or architect.



Game called off for night.

Game called off for night. Danna is in Houston and I'm a bit behind on things such as North Texas prep. Back in the saddle next week.