RE: the total number of mercenaries in King's Ten that came up Tuesday in the conversation about proposed ethnic...

RE: the total number of mercenaries in King's Ten that came up Tuesday in the conversation about proposed ethnic cleansing of the Grotmen (hey I'm not judging they are spawned from sacs).

Lieutenant Vlad
20 former Autarch mercenaries
15 wool-clad Kozaks, also former Autarch mercenaries
15 other mercenaries

Reposting this thread:


  1. The "15 other" are the 7 pikemen and 8 crossbowman that were sent with the original expedition.

  2. How many more can 4,000 gp get us?

  3. Oh here's a more complete roster I found from one of Humza Kazmi's posts:
     *Mauve Legion*
    Strategos: Ba Chim
    Hektonarch: Balazas
    Dekarch: Vlad
    27 mercs - polearms, half-plate
    8 crossbowmen - polearms, half-plate, crossbows
    15 kozaks (currently sans horses) - hand weapons, leather?

    Upkeep - 240 suns/month (plus whatever our original 15 mercs cost). 

    Currently: Fortifying King's Ten and Domovillages, running patrols

    Emergency Levy
    65 troops

  4. Evan Elkins a metric "fuck ton." Somewhere I have written rates for entire merc company contracts. I will look.

  5. Robert Parker et al. My written records indicate that you have two of these units on hire until Feb 2015 (bringing your troop total up to 130):
    The smallest unit is 40 which includes 30 pikemen, 10 halberdiers and a lieutenant (and you can hire up to four such units).

  6. Chris Kutalik Yeah, that's what I was remembering.

  7. If we kick in another 7k we should have a decent military force. 

    Can anyone else put in some cash? Michael Moscrip? Mike Davison? cole long? Humza Kazmi?

  8. let me check my finances and get back to you

  9. Also, Chris Kutalik, I'd be interested in seeing those mercenary prices.

  10. Yes. I will go erase some from my character sheet and let you know how much.

  11. Who dares summon TERMEX v1.5 from his sleep routine??? Pesky bags o' flesh, what? More money? You certainly seem to think that I am some sort of automated banking machine.

    I have 3,000 suns you may use for whatever it is you are up to. I hope it is for killing humans personally, but I know you will disappoint me on that score.

  12. Mike Davison Thanks, TERMEX. Come and play again sometime.

  13. Sleep routines must be maintained for work performance, those humans ain't going to kill themselves you know...

    Seriously missing the game, but work has been busy of late and free time has been devoted to WARBAND! (and being lazy).

  14. ALL HANDS: the entire newly reconstituted company of the Marlank Reavers is hireable for a one-time campaign of one-month for 2000 suns.

    The full complement is: 
    160 Lancers, medium cavalry with scale mail, metal shields, lance, and longswords or maces.

    420 Border Ruffians, light cavalry with studded leather, small wooden shields, javelins, and short swords or hand axes.

  15. Between me, Evan Elkins and Mike Davison that'll pay for 5 months. Since we pay them for individual campaigns, we could put that money down as a deposit to call on them when needed.

    Also, Chris Kutalik, what would be the costs involved in setting up a base camp in the forest near the lost city?

  16. Chris Kutalik Unless they're willing to be hired full-time; maybe some sort of deal for an annual retainer?

  17. Robert Parker they are only available for a single one-month campaign at this time. Getting companies down there is going to take some time I will tell you. It's not a money matter but an availability matter.

  18. Chris Kutalik Okay; who is available to hire on a more permanent basis?

  19. I'll pay for this month and then we can call them again when we have a future military errand.  Let's kill us some Grot men.

  20. Robert Parker that base camp is deep in the Weird. You get the sense that minus some clearing and settlement in between that you will have a serious morale issue. In other words it may be surmountable with proper financial greasing. At any rate tell me exactly what you out of this camp: how many men, how many guards, how much food for how/long, any other precautions or preparations.

  21. I ask our advisers for counsel on this matter.

  22. Robert Parker you could get two more of those units of Ostrovans (80 more dudes) under the same conditions as last time. Basically talking 4000 suns for a year contract (2000 suns per unit) that lasts until June 2015).

  23. When you click on the ring they inform you that hiring the entire Reavers has a "very high chance" of "handwaving the wiping out of the Grotmen." Hiring them with the additional Ostrovans gives a "100 percent chance."

  24. Chris Kutalik I meant more about setting up a camp in the forest.

  25. Hmm; between Mike, Evan and I we should be able to pay that.

  26. Robert Parker they tell you that the Ancestors are saddened by the ignoring of their Event notifications and then Okko will ask you "how big of a camp do you want?"

  27. Can someone fill me in on why the party has moved from "Grot-men alliance" to "grot-men shanking"? 

    Also I might be able to chip in a few hundred GP for stuff, but I haven't looked at my character sheet in a while.

  28. Humza Kazmi well it was never "alliance." It was supposed to be colonial exploitation, but that's taking too long so we're just going to kill them.

    It's also part of a larger plane to make a forward base to have access to the ruins and to float logs down the river.

  29. Humza Kazmi re Grot Men: expediency & convenience - "The Watchwords of Genocide"

  30. Evan Elkins I like part II, but I am, ah, less than thrilled about the ethnic cleansing bit.

    Do we not feel confident in, say, Manzafrain's ability to flim-flam them into abandoning their big base and setting up somewhere else (pushing them towards the Rousseauean Savages etc.)?

  31. I'd suggest working them up into a martial frenzy and setting them loose on some force, like those camped out hunter dudes, but I'd be afraid some of the Grot men might flee and survive.

  32. Michael Moscrip So? 

    As I understand it, our concern with the grot-men is that they are occupying a key location that the colony requires access to. Do we particularly care what's going on with them, as long as we have access to the location? 

    If they flee/survive/swear eternal vendetta on the hunter dudes, that sounds entirely like a good thing to me. What am I missing?

  33. Humza Kazmi I think it'll take too long and we need a forward base now.

    Chris Kutalik We're looking to set up a camp to launch expeditions from. It needs security and supplies and, ideally, would become a logging camp in the medium term and mining depot in the longer term, so it needs to be a potential site for a small shipping port.

  34. It's an ocd thing. I like to be thorough.

  35. Robert Parker I was figuring it would take ~1 session or so. What has changed that we need the forward base immediately?

  36. What has changed that we need the forward base immediately?

    Two sessions of "stoner camping."  Also, I'm pretty sure some of the little runts tried to push boulders down on us, but I didn't get eyes on.

  37. It is a combination of expediency, laziness, and minimizing the potential for unintended consequences.

  38. OK cool. I think I will hold off on rejoining until you guys finish that thread off then; that seems to be hitting my "really unfun" meter.

  39. It is kind of uncomfortable, isn't it?

    Tangential but I was reading about Texas in the early 19th century and I had this moment of nausea about even the idea of Barbaric Texas.

  40. Humza Kazmi I'll try to enslave some of them for you.

  41. Humza Kazmi Robert Parker I am going to move that this deserves "off stage" between-sessions treatment.

  42. Chris Kutalik I was looking forward to a wargame, but that's cool.

    Thanks for ruining it with your genocidal guilt, Humza Kazmi. :P

  43. I was sorta looking forward to the skirmish stuff too, but I can deal.

    I suppose we could figure out some peaceful means of setting a forward camp, but I don't think they're non-hostile enough to do that now.

  44. to me honest i would personally rather not kill the grotmen (i find them very entertaining) but i'm not sure if we can repair relations with them. i mean if we can give them enough (non-armament goods) that they like us again (your manzaprizes have arrived, on the standard 6-12 month delivery schedule!) i would prefer that. but if they've already tried to kill you it may be too late. anyway Taurus can donate 1500 gold to either effort.

  45. I don't want to be playing through stuff that I don't find enjoyable, but I don't want to rain on people's fun either.

    If everyone else is keen on the wargame, it is not a bother for me to hold off rejoining until all of this is settled.

  46. Humza Kazmi I'm just razzing you, dude. I'm fine with handwavium.

  47. If you guys want to fight in a battle I am happy to provide you with a list of small wars in Zem that you can intervene in for profit and fun. (Totally serious.)

  48. Chris Kutalik That might be worthwhile, but I'd like to keep our forces fresh for the inevitable war with the klingons.

  49. i recall the adjective "nordic" being thrown around

  50. I was just trying to be sardonically amusing. Sorry all. :/

  51. There is no need to kill all the Grotmen. But there is a need to smash that base they have, and any further bases they attempt to establish on the river.

    Basically, 2 sessions have been largely composed of travel time (some exploring, but mostly travel time), and we need full command of the river to be able to handwave that travel time. Further assimilating them into our organization would do that, but it would also take more than a single downtime. We're trying to get this accomplished either during next session or even before.

  52. the base itself is actually an enormous sessile Grotfather, right?

  53. The mound reportedly has their spawning sacs.


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