OK, group, I have made another attempt at demon summoning rules and wish your output.

OK, group, I have made another attempt at demon summoning rules and wish your output. This may be a little complicated for a labyrinth lord type game (much more BRP style really). But let me know what you think. No more permanent CON loss...

The Summoning Score
Before you can summon a demon you must first determine your summoning score (this is your percentage chance to summon a lesser demon). To find your score, multiply your PSY score by 4 (PSYx4), then add your level, and then add the amount of temporary CON you will sacrifice as part of the summoning. The CON used in this way will regenerate at 1 point per every 24 hours. If a character chooses to sacrifice 8 points of CON (the holiest number of CHAOS) he receives four times the amount (32).

For example, if you are a 1st level character with a PSY score of 13 and wish to use 2 points of CON, your Summoning Score will be  (13 x 4 = 52+1+2 = 55%) 55%. This means you can summon a lesser demon on 55% or less with a d100 roll.

The Summoning score is adjusted lower for greater and major demons, as follows.
Greater Demons = Summoning Score - 20
Major Demons = Summoning Score -40

Another example. DOOMFLUX, an 8th level Marauder with a PSY score of 14 attempts to summon a Major Demon of Anat to rain blood upon his enemies. He chooses to sacrifice 8 points of CON (the revered number of CHAOS!) to help him summon this horror from warp-space. His summoning score is: (14 x 4 = 56 + 8 (level) + 32 (CON) = 96%. However since he is summoning a major demon, he needs to roll 56% or less on 1d100.

The casting time needs to be decided too, i think it will vary depending on demon type (say 1d3 rounds, 1d6+1 rounds, and 2d6 rounds ?)

The only calamity will be if you roll 100 - in which case the demon is summoned and not bound to you so a fight to the death occurs between your party and the demon.


  1. I like it! I think I would reduce the time though, since many encounters won't last that long, if I remember right. Maybe 1 round / 1d4 / 2d4 ?


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