Latest draft.

Latest draft. All the new sections are highlighted in yellow. All told about 2500 words more than the last draft with some significant additions like the Factions, Chaos Index and Glittering Tower descriptions. 

At this point I am probably going to only add a few minor things like a short box on nearby locales, some bestiary entries and maybe some hireling pre-gens from yesterday's list. 

Special thanks to Robert Parker and Anthony Picaro for commentary and edits. Other special thanks to Michael Moscrip Humza Kazmi and trey causey for their help on the Chaos Index section at the end.


  1. Oh that mean jab in the Tower dungeon is being cut.,

  2. there's some floating text at the end of "chaos rampant,"

    "The Veil Between the Worlds Rips. A single point on the pointcrawl of the GM's choice is replaced for the day by a locale from another plane of existence. From other points the location will look on the outside to be shrouded in a sheet of star-filled void. Stepping through this field"

  3. Thanks cole long. I cut the last part of the sentence and must have forgot to finish the thought again.

  4. Chris Kutalik Mean jab = the zodiac bit?

  5. Yeah Humza Kazmi I had meant to cut that out.


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