Hey Niners

Hey Niners,
Looking for some potential crowdsourcing and feedback. Based on y'all's feedback I added a random event generator to the sandbox. Rather than do it as a straight table, I decided to go for a smaller, simpler version of the Chaos Index I have used behind the scenes in the campaign.

So please check out the following text and tell me if you think it would work if say you had to run the Dunes yourself. Also my brain is a bit stuck on chart entries for each level of chaos. Any suggestions for kinds of Weird Events for each level? 

Optional: Weird Event Index 
The Dunes is a mythical wilderness infused with the Weird, a fever-dream logic that defies human ordering. But it also has its own rhythm dynamic, what follows is an optional event subsystem to model that kind of rising and falling chaos. 

As the scenario open the Index is set to 1. At the beginning of each following session, the GM will roll a d4-1 to determine how much the Index has risen because of actions by the Factions. Actions by the players, indeed the mere presence in certain areas, will also affect the Index, add or subtract relevant actions (or ones that the GM's devising). Move the Index up and see the effect it has on the environment. 

-2 or lower The Weird Ebbs. Normal seasonal weather conditions break the perpetual mild weather of the Dunes. Normal animals will drift in and be seen. Wandering monster checks will only be made once a day. 

0 Equilibrium. The critters of the dunes grow languid and go to cover. Wandering monster checks made only every sixth hour or six points traveled. 

1 The Weird is Rising. There is a tangible, mildly electric buzz in the air. Otherwise no effect. 

3. Shit is Getting Weirder. Roll once every day on the following chart
Roll d12 
No Event. 
Blood Rain
Deep Fog
Single Lunar Eclipse
Double Lunar Eclipse

6. Shit Got Weird. Roll once every day on the following chart
Roll d12
Night Visitations 
Factions Skirmish
Eld Bubbleships Arrive
Fickle Magic. Flip a coin. Heads all spellcasters gain a 1st level spell slot today only. Tails all spellcasters lose a 1st level spell slot today. 

10. Chaos Rampant. Roll on the Weird Event table twice a day.
Roll d12
Kugelberg Attacked
Pitched Battle between Factions
Otherwordly Vessel Marooned
Godling Tourist Appears 
Magic Fertile. All third or higher spells double in effect, range, damage, etc.  
Magic Ebbs. All third or higher spells half in effect, range, damage, etc. 

15. High Chaos. The sun appears to be in perpetual eclipse and neither rises or sets. Roll on the Chaos Rampant Weird Event table above twice a day. If a spell is cast, roll flip a coin: heads the spell is doubled in effect, tails it fizzles and doesn't work. 

Party Actions that Have an Impact
Kills Medved +12
Kills the Old Smith, Ondrj +6
Kills Eld Leader +2
Destroys Eld machinery in the Tower -5
First Enters Barge, Glittering Tower, or Magic Field +2
Kills 5 or more Minor Faction players +1
Casts a Third Level or Higher Spell +1
Sleeps the Night in the Dunes -1
Spends a Week Away -1


  1. Looks good to me. For High Chaos I would also suggest "time out of joint" where some effects precede causes, etc.
    A comet a would also be a good for level 3.
    If you wanted some more specific weird visitations, there is a lot of good stuff in this Roadside Picnic zones project a lot of us contributed to: http://fatesf.blogspot.com/2013/11/from-zones-community-project-table.html?m=1

  2. trey causey Brilliant, I hadn't considered jiggling with time but that would fit well. I think I would keep it small scale say a single point on the pointcrawl would  be altered and/or introduce a character or monster slipped out of time. So much can be done with this, hmm...

  3. trey causey Holy crap, I missed that Zones project. That looks astounding.

    Chris Kutalik I'd also be interested to see different locations starting to enter the Dunes as Chaos increases. The borders of reality are starting to break down, so having multiple locations (e.g. Anti-Cantons) exist in the same area / space as the Dunes seems like a possibility.

  4. Humza Kazmi yes there is a precedent for that especially in places where the Veil between the planes gets ripped away. Ha could be a stretch goal for the KS. Throw in the Vat Complex.

  5. The first one I thought of was a Passive Warp Door. It might only be noticeable if accidentally stepped through, or in the way an elf passively detects secret doors, or it might have a mild shimmering like heat waves. It connects 2 distant locations within the Dunes, and lasts for 1d20 hours before both ends move to different places.
    Hmm, I had another one too, before I started writing, but now I've forgotten. I'll think of it.

  6. Dimensional Phantom. Something that exists in the same space the characters are in now, but in a different plane or dimension, becomes visible as a thin transparent shadow. 50% chance anything there can see the PCs as well. Visual only, no sound.

    Weird Osmosis. A random object exudes from thin air. Roll randomly on the equipment list.

  7. Suggestion re: Weird Osmosis - roll randomly on equipment list, but object looks like it was:
    1) Made by foreign culture (Scarlet Sultanate, pantsless barbarians)
    2) Made by ancient / alien culture (Eld, Hyperboreans)
    3) Weird flesh-crafted version 

    Not a very large roll, but enough to make it feel really freaky. Or maybe I just like weird bio-creations.

  8. Elemental Spring. One of the 4 primal elements begins bubbling up through the ground:
    1- Fire. A thin column of flame, white-hot at the centre, streams skyward 2d20 feet. The sand in a radius equal to the column's height gradually turns to glass.
    2- Air. A thin column of swirling air rises from the ground. A savage sandstorm persists in the area for a radius of 1d100 x 10 yards. [30 feet to just over half a mile]
    3- Earth. More sand spews forth into the dunes, burying a 50 yard radius in 1d6 feet of sand per round.
    4- Water. A thin fountain sprays into the air, quickly turning a 2d20 yard radius into quicksand. 1 week later, a small oasis resides in the area for 1d6 days.

  9. Blood Haze. The air in the next hex [1d6] is thickened by a red haze. Anyone entering must save vs. spells or act as a berserker in combat while in the haze, and for 1d6 hours after leaving it. Those who make their save, but remain in the haze must make another saving throw each hour they are in it.

  10. heh =shrug= bear+chaos :)

    Ursine Awakening. A random party member must save vs. spells or become filled with The Bear Spirit, growing claws, fangs, and luxurious fur. For the next 1d6 rounds they must attack something living. They may choose their opponent freely, but if no other foes are about they must fall upon their fellows with a claw/claw/bite routine. Damage is 1d4/1d4/1d6, and if both claws hit, the victim is hugged for 1d8 additional.
    There is a 50% chance the party member is instead filled with The Bear Ju-Ju. Neither claws nor fangs appear, but they become covered in thick dark hair. They cease using their usual weapons or spells for 1d6 days, instead seeking out and using only a large wooden club.


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