Evan Elkins are you still running games on Monday evenings?

Evan Elkins are you still running games on Monday evenings?

I am almost to the point of running WARBAND! and looking for a night to run. I know Chris Kutalik has Tuesdays and Robert Parker seems to run Wed or Thu - and you have Fri and Mon?

Running out of days if I want any of you guys to play. :) 

Right now I am thinking Sun or Mon evenings after 9:30 (eastern) for 2 or so hours.


  1. I'm currently doing Wednesdays, will probably be transitioning to Thursdays.

  2. I'm SUPPOSED to run on Monday nights, but the last couple weeks that has fallen through and I used Friday as a fallback day.

  3. OK, maybe I will start with Sunday nights when I am ready and see how that goes.


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