Vilem the Archdruid of Svat the Four-Faced Recounts the Really Weird Dream He Had Last Night And Makes an Offer:

Vilem the Archdruid of Svat the Four-Faced Recounts the Really Weird Dream He Had Last Night And Makes an Offer:
So I was sittin' on the roof of the Town Gods Tomb strumming my balalaika and talking about old times with my good friends Jarek the Nagsmen and Gurgi's Dad. The women, the pipe weed, the bukavacs. I slipped back to rest my eyes and I had me a vision.

You were there and scarecrow and I was my underwear. I flew over two sloping hills with old-timey wooden, Domovoy-warded village like we us in the glory days, and there was a great, big, soaring temple all a painted and dedicated to the old gods. That place had some glory to the ones left with some power but it was also a place for the dying and retired to hang their weary divine heads and enjoy a little worship in their hospice.

So what you boys think? Should we build us one? I reckon I can put up eight grand. Maybe we can go dutch (even more would make it real purty)?

Say, do you fellers have any prisoners of war that need a hanging?


  1. Think of this as a King of Dragon Pass event.

  2. I vote yes. Vilem has been a good dude to us.

  3. i have this great grass mat he might be interested in

  4. and i  down for anything that helps willie nelson
    or the old pahr gods for that matter

  5. Yeah, down for this. I can't spare too much scratch right now, but this is definitely a good investment.

  6. I have cash to spare - but the interest rate is not good for humans.

  7. cole long he's pretty excited about that. (Well as excited as an old stoner can muster.)

  8. Tangential, but it gives me the sads how many times my image searches for Slavic and Hyperborean mythology lead me to white supremacist/anti-semitic web sites.

  9. Chris Kutalik  I KNOW!  When I was first looking for stuff for the Dark Country I kept seeing that the links would lead to Stormfront or whatever and go "goddamit!"

  10. I'm thinking I should probably stick to cities with the Church of the Blood Jesus.

  11. Yeah I say build the temple.

    Lazzaro is impoverished. Group fund pretty healthy.

  12. So seeing as we seem to be overall a yes let's just get this rolling.

    As of this moment, the full burden falls on the group fund (standing at 7800gp). Who will subsidize this cost, and for how much, that we may preserve our nest egg?

  13. I've got a thousand on it. Let no man say that Manzafrain is a jealous god!

  14. "That would be an ecumenical matter"

  15. I'm willing to contribute from future delves, but I don't want to pay the 8k up front. Can we get like monthly payments going on this thing perhaps? (I mean hell the temple isn't going to be built overnight.)

  16. I was operating under the assumption that money set aside at the outset significantly affects scoping decisions.

  17. Anthony Picaro Yeah, that's totally the way KODP does things, but I figure it doesn't hurt to check if we have another option open to us.

  18. TERMEX v1.5 will put 4,500gp in for this project. Never let it be said that TERMEX wasn't a generous kill bot.

  19. Vilem is will to split it up into three installments but that may be less of an issue with Termex and Manzy's offers. The Archdruid says that he will give honorary individualized names to chambers and areas for big donors. "The Termex Devotional Fane".

  20. "The Manzafrain Sacrificial Kill-Pit."

  21. Taurus will put in 2,000 to start, maybe more once i balance my books

  22. I think that adds up to 7500? How much more do we need?

  23. He will take that amount with a shrug.

  24. Vilem claps his hands. He says he'd like to bring down a big work crew of 200 and appropriate food stores. (Okko thinks you can house 800 comfortably in the two villages and they only have 200 odd in there now.)

  25. Chris Kutalik What further benefits will we accrue by going over budget? Lazzaro can probably drop 500 suns also, and we could pull from the group fund if that would get us up to another tier or whatever.

  26. Isris will contribute 1000 suns to help super-size the temple.

  27. Since it's a real estate cost, anyone paying out of pocket should give themselves half exp.

    More detailed plans coming from his architect when he arrives on site, but the 16k is going to build:
    1. A 8000-square-foot wooden, painted temple dominated by a main devotional hall with side naves, shrines and alcoves.
    2. Two 1000 square-foot everyday buildings for quarters and work functions.
    3. Wooden palisade to encompass the whole site.

    He'd like to have it built on one of the hills tops adjoining a village.

  28. Anthony Picaro going over will be equally split between aesthetically pleasing add-ons and to bring in supporting priests and support staff.

  29. Well in that case Lazzaro will up to an even 1000, bringing us to 10,000 total (2000 over) on our end.

  30. Basically you will have a 7th level Druid on site when Vilem is "on the road" and at the current funding seven leveled clergy characters in the temple.

  31. Noting that Lazzaro's contribution increased to a total of 2034.

    Total funds from the Nine: 11,034, which is 3,034 over the ask

  32. He will add a special "reincarnation convalescence room" to the structure as a result.


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