Just so y'all know, I am about 90 percent not likely to run our usual Tuesday night game next week.

Just so y'all know, I am about 90 percent not likely to run our usual Tuesday night game next week. I have the afternoon game and probably need to do some work catching up on stocking maps in the Feral Shore and other places. So week after that then.


  1. Man, I was gonna be able to make that one.

  2. That's fine by me. I'm still dealing with stuff, so I don't have to worry about missing another session or being-there-but-not-really.

  3. If there is downtime activity y'all want to get done on break, let me know (identifying magic items and canal I have down).

  4. Chris Kutalik I've been meaning to ask you a question about spell research, suppose this would be a good time.

    Basically: can I get significant bonuses from using research assistants? What about if I am willing to sacrifice their lives? (Anaq-ul-Ard is 100% expendable. The others... would need to consider it.)

  5. Yes significant bonuses but let me think about what they are.

  6. Oh and about Anaq, looks like he disappeared on landing at the Feral Shore.

  7. Fascinating! Let it be known to all denizens of the Shore that 200 suns is to be paid for the head of Anaq-ul-Ard, 300 suns if he is brought in alive.

    Append to that the knowledge that identity is to be verified with fell magics, and that fraudulence or trickery shall carry its own cost to the perpetrator!

    And finally, if Anaq should find it in his heart to turn himself in, it is promised that he will not be slain outright, instead being given employ in the improvement of Feral Shore defensive capabilities (a prestigious and enviable position!) In that case his long term prospects would depend fully on his own merit.

  8. Yellow Man apprentice from the Barge.

  9. "Well, I guess that's what we get for showing mercy to heathen idolaters."

  10. This is all part of the standard MU apprentice breaking-in process, I assure you.


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