FYI in a fit of productivity I wrote up most of the original Barge adventure today into something more coherent than...

FYI in a fit of productivity I wrote up most of the original Barge adventure today into something more coherent than the bullet points and sketchy key of my notes. When I finish it, hopefully by tomorrow, I will hand a redacted copy (there are a few mysteries still hidden in there) and map over to y'all since you won it fair and square.

One thing I will need from y'all in the near nigh future (besides critical feedback) is a sense of what you are doing with it now that you have it. You know things like where it will be and any security plans you may have for it etc.

Purely a formality, naturally.


  1. Eager to see the full thing, even with redactions. (Psst, guys, I don't think we can win a motion to compel production of the redactions, they're covered under GM work-product privilege)

    Not sure what we want to do security-wise. We know the Eld are going to come after the barge. Some options for the group:

    * keep it in motion between Kezmarok and Feral Shore - I figure as long as it's not in one fixed location, and varies its route a bit, it'll be harder for the Eld to track. (Of course it's harder for us to track then also.
    * keep it tied up near Kezmarok  (think this is a bad idea, but it might draw the Eld to attack, and we can play them against the Patriarch)
    * keep it secured in a quiet little secret island (nobody to blab about it, but much harder to defend against the Eld if they find it)

  2. There's really only two paragraphs being pulled. You will probably learn a few things from it that you didn't know but those mysteries I will just assume you learned on the three week voyage back to the Shore.

    Some contents have been altered (this will be the alternate reality version used at NTRPG con).

  3. As TERMEX v1.4 is not currently active - he will volunteer to lead a "guard" force. I promise not to kill all humans (yet).

  4. Chris Kutalik we can "talk" later. ; )

  5. Mike Davison I forgot about the map project. Are you still interested (it's ok if you are swamped or not)?

  6. Chris, will me and my mega-publishing corporation be able to include this in an upcoming magazine issue?  I really liked what I saw and went through. Thanks(!)

  7. I am still interested. My comment was more about my plans for the barge. :) But yes, I still would like to draw the map.

  8. Scott Moberly trying to figure out what to do with it, see above. Kinda depends on basically if I do #2.


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