I'm starting this thread so we'll have a place to work on the details of the Manzabucks scheme, developing the...

I'm starting this thread so we'll have a place to work on the details of the Manzabucks scheme, developing the catalog, maintaining stock, etc.

I think the grotmen are starting to get a little suspicious - my rough outline is that we should start buying and keeping a small stock of standard goods in kezmarok and keep them locked up in the dam; in addition to bribing the Grotmen and other rubes with them, we can both use draw on them ourselves if we need them and also sell them to settlers and guards for Manzabucks (which we can dole out as need be) in order to cut down on our operating costs and manipulate public opinion.

I am not in favor of giving the Grotmen actual weapons, especially given how eager they are to ask for them; they can just keep tying pieces of broken pottery to sharps sticks if they want weapons.

I think we should block print some pictorial "catalogs" with fixed (but inflation-sensitive) manzabuck prices. Maybe we can get Orwendill to make illustrations as if i recall correctly he has a background in creating erotic woodcuts.

For convenience the LL AEC equipment list is below. I'm not sure what items might be unavailable; i recall that the Spyglass hasn't yet been invented, or at least hasn't reached the borderlands, and some goods might be too pricey to incorporate into the scheme.



  1. I'm imagining a medieval version of this sort of crap:
    or 1000 other wholesale places. I imagine the Grot-Men redeeming Manzabucks to be pretty much equivalent to a 10 yr old with a handful of Chuck E Cheese tickets.

  2. I think one of them has to be a little wooden heart that says "Manzafrain Loves Me!"


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