Campaign observation of the day: looking through my NPC file I realized now that a few of you have leveled up to 7,...

Campaign observation of the day: looking through my NPC file I realized now that a few of you have leveled up to 7, that I have only 14 named NPCs with higher levels than you. (Remember that I specifically made it so that there was a weaker correlation, especially in the boring corelands, between political/economic/social power and personal power.)

So in other words, y'all are now becoming some of the most individually powerful people in this area of the campaign world. No pressure...


  1. Only 20,000 xp to go til level 7 woooooo.......

  2. I'm ~15k from level 6, I think. And shanking the fuck out of some of those 14 seems like it would be great fun AND conducive to leveling. :D

  3. One of the perks of being a thief.


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