And the breaking news...

And the breaking news...
Late this afternoon, one of the colony watchmen spies a Canton-flagged merchant cog slowly thread its way through the river channel up to Kings Ten. The visibly-spooked captain of the Bucolic Bukavac presents himself to you telling you of his recent outward bound trip to Kezmarok:
“We pulled up there around the bay riding a fine trade wind, good fine sailing. I reckon it should have been evening, but you could barely tell that the Sun Lord was setting down for his evening sup as the sun light was all bright, white hot and noon like.
As we passed by that wide western cape, we tacked back toward the docks of Lower Kezmarok--and sweet sufferin' Hakeba—it weren't there at 'tall. Ain't nothing there now on the flats, no docks, no Golden Dome of the Patriarch, no hippogriffeum, nothing but that damned granite rock looming up over it with its big ole walls.
There are still people up there on the Rock [High Kezmarok], I saw 'em up on the walls. Even looked like they were lowering beams down on the cliffs trying to make some makeshift docks on the west side of the high part. But we had enough of that insanity.
A wicked cursed thing. Where does half a city go in a fortnight's time?”
Aw fuck, that sounds like some Turko-Fey annihilation action.
ReplyDeleteI'm kind of minded to try and evacuate folks from the city, but that's going to be like Fall of Saigon style craziness. (Also it's not like the sub is terribly big.)
Holy mother of fuck.
ReplyDeleteShould've moved on the Autarchs sooner, it looks like.
ReplyDeleteAnd yeah, evacuation seems like it is in order. Might as well save as many as we can (who are allied with us).
We might also want to try and save the space-gods, if at all possible.
A scale thing, roughly the lower city held about 40,000, the high, more ruinous part of the city on the rock while bigger land wise had roughly 12,000 people when you there last.
ReplyDeleteSo the frickin' nobles survive and the rest of the city disappears. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteor maybe we shouldn't have broken the seal on the ruins of the rusevic?
ReplyDeleteyeah the Space Gods seem like the priority
ReplyDeleteI come back from a weekend road trip to the beach and you guys lose 1/2 a city? Sheesh, can't leave you humans alone for minute...
ReplyDeletehm, did the captiain say whether or not he could see the turco-fey tent city around the base of the rock where the lower city used to be?
ReplyDeletecole long he did not see any evidence that they were there.
ReplyDeletewere all the known space-god resting places in the lower city?
ReplyDeleteAs far as you know the Undercity is limited to High Kezmarok.
ReplyDeleteI thought that our abbey winery was in Lower Kezmarok, but was it actually in High Kezmarok?
ReplyDeleteIn High next to the old convent that you own.
ReplyDeleteBasically all the purple-shaded parts of the city south of the cliffs here are gone:
ReplyDeleteI'm not 100% on this theory, but what if it's that the patriarch finally ate enough gods to do... whatever the hell he was planning on doing?
ReplyDeletei do find it really weird that all the areas that are gone are on the far side of the rock from the turco-fey encampment
ReplyDeleteEvan Elkins I don't think that whatever he was planning on doing would likely involve destroying his digs (and those of his faithful).
ReplyDeleteI don't think he cares much about the faithful, and doesn't he live on a separate island now?
ReplyDeleteOk, thanks, I forgot the layout. I wonder if The Weird encroached from the South.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I really have no clue whatsoever.
ReplyDeleteSo here's a thought.
ReplyDeleteEvan Elkins , Tazrun might be the highest-ranking noble of Kezmarok around right now, as the Seneschal of the Southlands. Certainly the one who's in the most self-sufficient position.
You might be the new Decade-King by default!
Thought #2: Does Bukavac Island (blanking on the name) have anything in the way of ships that might be able to evacuate Kezmarokis? The ruler was "freakishly lawful-good" and would probably be willing to help move people out.
well the decade king is up on the rock isn't he?
ReplyDeletecole long For some reason I was thinking that he was in the more populated section of the city, and it was only the impoverished nobles that were up further.
ReplyDeleteMirr, the freakishly honest and lawful island, has a decent sized shipping force for an island of its size.
ReplyDeleteThe Decade King's palace complex is on High Kezmarok. But no telling (yet) on who might have been down in the busy part of town when the Event happened.
ReplyDeleteThe Decade King's palace complex is on High Kezmarok. But no telling (yet) on who might have been down in the busy part of town when the Event happened.
ReplyDeletelast we heard he was under siege in his palace though?
ReplyDeleteYes pretty much, though his following is much stronger in High Kezmarok.
ReplyDeleteMirr is the island the Patriarch is on or am I misreading that?
ReplyDeleteEvan Elkins Mirr is the Bukavac island. Right now we don't know what the deal is with the Patriarch.
ReplyDeleteOk. Got all confused.
ReplyDeleteI missed the whole Bukavac thing.. are they those.. um.. mo-ped guys? I know that's wrong. The mutant people on the island near the James Spader people?
ReplyDeleteThe Bukavac was the snuffleupagus monster we ran away from.
ReplyDeleteAha.. so.. not on the island of the mutants? I think the island of mutants had a dragon.
ReplyDeletePtuj is the island of the Spader clones and polymufs, neighboring Tolmin had the dragon.
ReplyDeleteThanks Chris Kutalik !! One of the many gaping holes in Father Jack's memory.
ReplyDeleteWhatever happened to that dragon? He was a really nice guy and had the best of intentions for the Nine.
ReplyDeleteWe've covered a lot of ground in two years. I forget about whole locales even.