The quick take from Tuesday's game (and it was a fun session from my perspective).

The quick take from Tuesday's game (and it was a fun session from my perspective). 

1. Finding the massive buried skull and burial edifice in the woods.
2. Fighting off the giant tentacled flies (and not exploring the giant mound of shit).
3. Unfreezing the 500-year old Kezmaroki officer and author, Balazas.
4. Getting close to both the mines and the city ruins.

Critters Killed:
9 giant flies

Swag Acquired:
2 golden necklaces (500 each)
1 ring of walking on the water (unknown charges).


  1. Robert Parker Evan Elkins Michael Moscrip cole long Humza Kazmi

  2. Excellent! How much xp does that add up to?

  3. realizing that maybe we shouldn't go to the fly mound was kind of a moment of clarity

  4. What did Balazas say the city was called? And it turned out to potentially be some ominous devil reference?


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