The take from last week's game.

The take from last week's game. The party went back to the sealed off west side of the complex and took out the so-called Big Bad, "Roger". Poor Beehvo was incinerated but otherwise pretty successful.

Critters killed:
Roger the Demonspawn
2 Eld

Swag acquired:
Pile of coins, gold helmet, gold urn, Liberace staff (all worth 12000 gold suns and non magical).
7 enormous books covered in red hide

Exp per player: 3100 (!)


  1. Humza Kazmi Robert Parker cole long Michael Moscrip Reynaldo Madriñan

  2. Chris Kutalik wait does that include what was in the little lead coffer in the secret compartment?

  3. After checking the books with a Detect Magic to see if there's a reason to suspect explosive runes or a curse, Ba Chim will start going through the tomes.

  4. No it's filled with the mummified corpse of a small child. The coins were scattered on the platform.

  5. They are untrapped but in an unfamiliar tongue.

  6. Chris Kutalik did you mention the mummy during the session? i didn't remember that. sounds like we have a new mascot!

  7. Father Jack is now a lvl6 Elder. New spells: lvl3: continual light, cure disease, growth of animals, locate object, remove curse, striking
    lvl4: create water, cure serious 2d6+2, neutr. poison, prot. evil 10’, speak plant, sticks to snakes

  8. Ba Chim will toss a comprehend languages on the books and pore through. (And a Read Magic if that doesn't work)

  9. Next stop: Dee-Lux apartment in the sky.


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