Hey Chris Kutalik , I'd like to hire a Journeyman Spy (200 suns/month) for one month (initially) to infiltrate the...

Hey Chris Kutalik , I'd like to hire a Journeyman Spy (200 suns/month) for one month (initially) to infiltrate the Despot of Ma'arb's complex and gather information on it, particularly on overall security, and on the golden barge moored there.


  1. Sure thing. Ask back next week for progress.

  2. What's the deal with the despot of Ma'arb again, other than that the barge was spotted in his territory?

  3. cole long He fucked over Reynaldo Madriñan and the other folks who helped out vs the dragon (drowny-peg games).

  4. I have him on wiggums "list" of things to do in/gnosh.

  5. Technically it was the despots unpleasant son Zaxx that did that.

  6. wiggum gnosh list
    dis pot of mah arb


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