A few followups from last session:

A few followups from last session:

1. Before the Decade King's galley sails off, Ba Chim will converse with the captain about the best way to sink a hostile galley; since the ships are based on a standard pattern, the knowledge should be on point.
2. After the group returns, Ba Chim offers to scribe a spider climb scroll from the group fund. The spell ought to let someone scale the Eld "grain silo" and bring a rope up for the rest of the group. (He would just go himself, but one arm is rough for climbing.)
3. Before sitting down to read the pile of red books from Roger's hoard, Ba Chim will cast a Detect Magic spell on them to check whether there are any potential traps or curses present. (And also detecting magic on the other items retrieved.)
4. At the domovillages, Ba Chim will sound out one of the domovoi on He Who Peers Behind the Rows and their feelings about him.


  1. Ba Chim will converse with the captain about the best way to sink a hostile galley
    The captain replies: "well I reckon I know a good deal more about how to keep one afloat...but I would suppose that they'd be pretty vulnerable by a ramming on the side. Now getting at them when they were unmanned and unwary would be better. Standard procedure for a galley not in port is to pull it all the way up on the beach, they can't do that in the salt marshes so they'll either have them anchored or partially drawn up on what little high ground there is. At any rate they may be vulnerable then."


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