The larger known world. Scale is roughly 50 miles a square.

The larger known world. Scale is roughly 50 miles a square.


  1. All sorts of tantalizing bits here. Giant metal dome? World-canal? (And reverse-centaurs on the other side of the canal from the Corelands, too...)

    But regardless let us stay away from the southeast. Bureaucrats and cannibals, and the only option to being stranded on one island is to flee to a worse fate.

  2. The Great Sage Moko once quipped that if you held a house on the Isle of Bureaucrats and one in the Two Hells, that you should sell the former and move into the latter.

  3. Your ability to make something obviously silly into something that's strangely evocative is enviable.

  4. Also: Tazrun will die his last death in Vesta Jan's Kingdom or not at all.

  5. Evan Elkins What, not further south?

  6. Evan Elkins thanks. You will note that I placed the suspected location of Vlko on the map.

  7. Evan Elkins given that their armies disappear from the field of battle suddenly and without warning, I expect not. :P

  8. Evan Elkins only in a thin zone around the capital city, the rest is all borderlands.

  9. My next character has to be a pants-less barbarian.

  10. Mike Davison now I need to go make a new class.

  11. Or just some background tables for the pantless heathens. I assume they all wear toga's. :)

  12. Actually they mostly run around sans anything below. Even when wearing heavy upper garments like bear skins. Religious taboos mandate that their privates must be close at hand to the rays of the sun.

  13. So I could be a bare-skin, bearskin, berserker? Sign me up.

  14. Exactly and yes. Preferred weapons are tridents, bolas, atlatls, and falchions.

  15. With the bolas undoubtedly having great religious significance.

  16. Michael Moscrip strangely only amongst the men folk.

  17. i don't recall that item featuring in Unearthed Arcana

  18. True, but it is on that absurdly long Tunnels & Trolls list.

  19. But I also realize I didn't get the joke until now because of 3e.

  20. cole long nails it. Forgot the khopesh.

  21. Anyone know what the heck language "terbutje" is supposed to be from? or is it fantasy nonsense?

  22. cursory research suggests it might be derived from gilbertese

  23. Fascinating. The german transcriptions are all over the place. (Really it was the "r" creeping in there that looked distinctly non-Malayo-Polynesian to me though, which is probably more "English speakers think Germans talk funny" than anything else.)

    Checking some (admittedly questionable) Gilbertese dictionaries, I get "arawa" and "wangea" as general terms for shark-tooth swords, and "te butu" as a small women's weapon made from a single shark tooth.

  24. yeah i think the R is probably toward the end of a game of telephone
    but i can see how the drift from 'te butu' to what entered RPGs as "terbutje"  (similar to the 'tetoanea' in that 2nd link) could occur

  25. Sidenote: It is amusing to me how every entry in that link starts the word with "te" which is just the indefinite article.

  26. is there a recognized term for the phenomenon of incorporating articles into words in borrowings? like all the arabic-derived al-words in english or spanish

  27. No idea.

    This has so far gone unmentioned so I feel I must draw attention to it: It is pretty awesome (horrible? hilarious?) that there is a specific word for "that small weapon that jealous women use to fuck up people's faces"


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