We've set up our hex patrol scheme, but I figure that we should also set up some rules of engagement for our folks.

We've set up our hex patrol scheme, but I figure that we should also set up some rules of engagement for our folks. 

Unfortunately we didn't wipe out the Rousseauean Hunters we encountered (so close!) so it's a safe bet that we may get some visitors. They're attached to their mounts, so they'll probably be riding them through the swamp.

I think the RoE should be that our guys try to avoid engaging them if possible; if it's not, set polearms and defend against the charge.


  1. What is our hex patrol scheme, or is that something that's kinda "it's a thing we set up but don't need to know?"

    Rousseauean Hunters?

  2. Evan Elkins we've got 5-man patrols heading out to each surrounding hex (bar the lake). One wave goes out in the morning, one wave goes out in the evening. All hexes surrounding King's Ten are currently considered "cleared," woooo!

    The Rousseauean Hunters are some neighbors we have. We described them as "klingon nordic hunter posers" - they idolize the idea of the noble savage, wear Conan-esque furs over ruined silk garments, ride carnivorous horses, and are total assholes. We encountered a patrol of theirs and started negotiating before I concluded that this was going to end in tears anyway and tossed a sleep spell at them. Unfortunately a few got away.

  3. Ok, I think cole long had called them moonmen when I asked him what happened.

  4. Also, I'm glad to know we have that shit figured out since I'm the governor of the colony and the Seneschal.

  5. yeah, i am not 100% sure but i think that they are the "moon men" that the domovy have to pay tribute to

  6. Evan Elkins You just used some efficient delegation. :)

  7. cole long What makes you think they're the moon men / what does that mean for us? (I totally missed all the moon stuff and am playing catchup here)

  8. The moonmen are these people the domovy pay tribute too.  It means they'll raid us if we don't give them tribute.

  9. Depending on the number it might be better to bloody their noses instead, but we'd have to outnumber them.

  10. the way they act, and i am tempted to parse their wavy golden hair, etc. as "nordic alien."

    the moon men are people the domovy said they have to give tribute to, and that they are hunted by them

  11. and are total assholes.
    history of course being written by the victors.

  12. just because we're total assholes doesn't mean that they aren't also total assholes

  13. Evan Elkins They're pretty tough - 3 or 4 HD, I think. Their horses are also carnivorous and weird-lookin' (and might fight in combat, but we didn't have that happen). 

    I think that if we defend from the walls we're in good shape - we've got ranged weapons, polearms, and they're primarily lancers (plus the swampy terrain does them no favors). That's assuming that they don't have huge gigantic numbers of course. 

    Robert Parker wanted to move people into the domovy villages, and I think that might be fraught right now given these guys; we'd need to fort up the villages significantly.

  14. i am terrible at math but my guesswork put them at 2HD or maybe 3 if the horses are kinda weak

  15. am i totally wrong to picture them as the dragonhorse from thundarr?

  16. I'm pretty sure they are also the on-again-off-again occupants of the hunting flet with the lean-to, books and fancy table. They strike me as erudite sophisticates who choose an atavistic existence of manly hunting expeditions. Hemingway.

  17. Michael Moscrip That is a far cry from the Predators you guys were mentioning. 

    I am not complaining. I would rather fight nordic klingon jerks than be blown away by an asshole with a blaster and a cloaking device.

  18. Humza Kazmi Michael Moscrip  the people who built the predator camp might not be the same guys, they may be their rivals

  19. I would guess that the predator camp was built not by the longhorse moonmen, but by their feathered serpent-riding neighbors (and that they are also the group that demands tribute from the domovoi).

  20. What's your evidence for that, Anthony Picaro, or is it just a feeling?

  21. Because the longhorsemen alluded to being from the moon, they described their neighbors as of similar origin but with kickass flying mounts, and the domovoi describe the moonmen as descending from the sky.

  22. Anthony Picaro when did they allude to being from the moon?

  23. i thought they did, but i wasn't sure if i misheard

  24. Just before they went into the awkward explanation of how they also measure time in moons.

  25. OK. I think I musta lumped all that into "they are pretending to be barbarians and measuring time by the moons" and missed the location reference.

  26. "as it revolves around the world turtle"

  27. I heard it too. I was actually going to ask him if they could see the turtle from the moon before shit hit the fan.

  28. Lazzaro can have the lake patrolled.

    The rules of engagement are don't go into the water.

  29. Michael Moscrip Sorry about that! 

    You can still ask the prisoners...

  30. Yeah I would assume 3 of the prisoners are still capable of speech.

  31. Hmm.. ok, I will indeed ask the prisoners if they can see the turtle from the moon, or if it looks like something else.


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