Running out of time so here's the quick take from this Tuesday. Lots of blood!

Running out of time so here's the quick take from this Tuesday. Lots of blood!

Critters Killed:
1 smallish giant two-headed tiger-demon
7 tiger cult acoyltes
5 tiger cult monks
1 tiger cult shift supervisor
1 were-tiger

Swag Acquired:
Ceremonial copper armor with deformed black pearls (ugly yet worth 500 suns)
Dagger with black pearl inlay (50 suns)
9 silver masks and various puddles of silver (500 suns)
1 copper kitty bowl (200 suns) 
300 Eldish silver crescent coins (300 suns) 
5 Eldish polearms (+1 to damage)

Exp per Player: 940


  1. Taking a polearm. What's the base damage on those?

  2. Sweet.

    Sorry again I had to duck out before the end of the session; I was feeling really yucky.

    Let's distribute those polearms to our troops again.

    Assuming we sell everything (nothing looks particularly significant to hold on to), 1550 suns / 7 (six players and the group fund) yields 221.42 suns each.

    Evan Elkins Robert Parker cole long Michael Moscrip Anthony Picaro

  3. Lady Isris sends for her 3 horses and their tack:
    -Heavy Warhorse, Horus
    -Sir Ward’s Mount
    -Sir ar-Rahman’s Medium Warhorse
    As well as some of her spare arms and armour, to kit out some of the troops:
    -Sir ar-Rahman’s Scale Mail
    -Half Plate
    -Boiled Leather

  4. Ba Chim will also send for his horse. They're not going to be much use in the swamps, but good to have once we start raiding the Savages.

  5. Hmm. It might be worthwhile for me to grab one of those instead of the luft-pike, then. The luft-pike is handy for length, but the polearm will be similar while having a decent damage die.

  6. DOOM will be catching the horse train.

  7. I keep forgetting to add the +1 dmg on my hirelings' Eld polearm.

  8. Also: Tiger-themed Fine Silk Robes.

    Will go ahead and Detect Magic over everything just in case but not expecting to find anything.

  9. So that's 3 Eldish polearms to the troops, since Robert Parker and I are both grabbing polearms. Does anyone want to use the trusty luft-pike (either for themselves or for a hireling)? That thing's been damn handy.

  10. Anthony Picaro oops yeah, worth 100 suns a piece.

  11. Humza Kazmi I'd still keep it on you (folded up) for 15' pole purposes.

  12. If so, that means 171.42 gp apiece.

  13. might be more useful to give polearms to Ool and Mulmak

  14. No idea on # of robes. I only heard 1.

    And yeah, Polearms to Ool and Mulmak sounds like a great idea.

  15. Almost forgot Chris Kutalik , Isris would like to apprentice with the blacksmith during the weekly downtime at Kingsten.

  16. Another 42.86 gp to all 7 parties, for a total haul of 264.28 suns

  17. Michael, he will let you but seems nervous having a noble lady about. By the end of the week you can turn a iron ingot into a dagger by hitting the "x" button.

  18. While we're talking about downtime, Manzy is still looking for a master in Kezmarok.

  19. Chris Kutalik are the new "amish" farmers members of the Morning Star Society heresy? is that the same as Mad Mox?

  20. They are actually members of the Supernal Skies, a Sun Lord sect with reconciliationist views on the Celestial Lady. So they'd be friendly to moderate heretics.

  21. Robert, the "Amazing" Ozbej, Illusionist Extraordinarie,answers the ad. He has a few contractual stipulations...

  22. Yes! I'll be grinding out Daedric plate in no time.

  23. 1. He must always be addressed as the Amazing Ozbej unless referred to as The Greatest.
    2. He must be assisted at all times by a young maiden.
    3. You must laugh at his jokes.

  24. He must always be addressed as...

    Pretty sure this is Manzafrain's greatest weakness.

  25. #2 - shades of High King Math...

  26. any examples of the Ozjokes Chris Kutalik ?

  27. cole long the recruiting-officer is off in the Sea of Grass leading back three kozaki recruits to the Rock. He notices that one of them is carrying a sack, the other an inflated goatskin and the last one is lugging around a pane of glass.

    The officer says to the first "why the sack?" Kozak replies "you citified idiot, if I get hungry I eat food inside."

    To the second he says, "Why the goatskin?"

    "Dumbass, if I get thirsty I drink corn liquor with in."

    To the third he asks, "Why the glass?"

    "Foolio, when I get hot, I open window."


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