Recapping the magic swords we have:

Recapping the magic swords we have: 

"The Four Brother-Blades of the Evening Red 
1. Longsword +0.
2. Int 5, Ego 15, tremendous malign potency turns wielder towards debased, violent, wanton evil.
3. If all 4 used in one party: +2 to hit and damage.
4. If all 4 used in one party: On a natural 20, the blade lands a near scalping blow to a humanoid causing an additional d6 bleeding damage.
4. Striking the 4 blades together while chanting “hrom, hrom, hrom” (Muhtl for “thunder”) will produce Call Lightning 1/day at the level of strongest wielder."

Who do we have as suitable wielders for these? Personality wise:

But I completely forget the way that we calculate personality scores, so I'm not sure who there is actually suitable.


  1. The Muhtl were a barbarian tribe that settled around Kezmarok after the collapse of the last Hyperborean successor state.

  2. Manzafrain can use these without fear.

  3. LL/BX uses Wis + Str, with some % HP penalties.

    This is compared to the sword's Int + Ego (20).

    That rules out Tazrun & Mulmak at least.

    (For comparison, OD&D uses Int + Str with % HP penalties; AD&D uses Int + Cha + Level)

    I will also note that Lazzaro prefers not to use a sword, though he might if the situation requires it for some specific reason. They are things of Chaos, and unpleasing (& dangerous) to him in that way.

  4. remember that taurus is only str 13, wis 6

  5. cole long that puts him at a tie with Fauxbringer then (int 5, ego 14)

  6. Fauxbringer is less of a problem because its personality isn't quite as incompatible with our general approach, the stats being only relevant in moments where goals conflict.

    So potential 4sword wielders are Manzafrain, Catman, Karl, & TERMEX. Honestly I don't think we'll be getting much use out of the them anytime soon.

  7. Shit, that sucks.

    As much as I hate to say it, perhaps we should sell them?

  8. do we really want anyone but us to have the,?

  9. Would be better if we could trade somehow for equivalent (or near so) magic.

    Might hit up whichever NPCs seem most likely to have something worthwhile - the Decade King, the Striped Mage, Steerpike, and Our Esteemed Grandmother spring to mind.

  10. Anthony Picaro Frantisek is the only one of that group I'd trust to have the swords.

    (The other option is reaching out to the Home Group and asking who else they can vouch for, on the grounds that while they may not like us, they may have some insight on "who is not likely to fuck the entire place over" and would want these contained as much as we would.)

  11. I don't trust Frantisek as I don't know him, but mostly I doubt he'd pay well for an item he will probably just destroy or lock away.

    I don't trust Steerpike even a little bit, but both the Decade King and GG have goals that at least for the moment line up with ours.

  12. Anthony Picaro their goals line up for the moment, but I don't want the Decade King going crazy chaotic evil; also we did hide these from him when we looted the armory. 

    And you guys all know my objections to GG.

  13. My guess is that the Decade King is possessed with an Ego significantly higher than the swords can muster.

  14. Anthony Picaro it's Wis + Str; while we think he's high level and shit, have we seen any evidence of either ability on his behalf?

  15. i'm pretty cool with our esteemed grandmother having them since i never, ever,want to try to be on the other side of her anyway

  16. I really want to say "HROM HROM HROM" again, but if it is not to be...

  17. I love Grandma and I think she'd want them. My vote is that we give them to her or (if Humza Kazmi is absolutely against that) we sell them for filthy lucre.

  18. Here's a crazy idea:

    Since we won't be getting to the Bucuvac any time soon, perhaps we could offer them to the people who want it killed in exchange for the Staff of the Raggi. They probably won't go for it, but who knows?

  19. what does the staff of the raggi do, and who are the people who want it killed, just the local townspeople?

  20. Ahem that's the Staff of the Ragi.

  21. actually, i thought it the Raff of the Ragi

  22. I like that idea, Robert Parker . A lot more preferable than selling them to GG; I am convinced she is inimical to our long-term interests and do not think giving her the swords is good. 

    Handing it to the islanders could let them deal with the Bukavac and let us get the staff. 

    (Thought - would attacking the Bukavac while mounted help here? It might be worth taking a week and doing that, and getting the staff.)

    cole long the staff doubles all mountebank spell slots IIRC.

  23. I think it was a local noble? Sadly, I've forgotten. Whoever they are, they have an illusion/mountebank enhancing staff.

  24. Yeah the ruler of the island.  A pathologically straight-talking fellow (the whole island was, except for the kids who had their own passel of freaky). 

    Conceded that he might support Tazrun in a bid for achieving full Seneschal powers...if the alternative was a demon.

  25. I will remind you that they are a Lawful Good lot.

  26. Humza Kazmi I'm totally fine with going and taking down the Bukuvac, but we promised Chris Kutalik that we wouldn't leave the Feral Shore for some time.

  27. Robert Parker Ah, OK. (Missed that bit, sorry!)

  28. Humza Kazmi Trust me, it is on the bucket list! That staff is the first magic item we've seen that is Manza-oriented, so I'm very interested in it.

  29. If we go that route, don't forget to also ask for the other magic items he was offering in that package (they were single use and thus forgettable, but still).

  30. Anthony Picaro Well, I think Chris Kutalik was trying to indicate that they would not be interested in CE swords.

  31. I agree. But there are ways around that, and regardless it's an important thing to keep in mind.

  32. Anthony Picaro Okay. What do you have in mind?

  33. For getting the staff? I don't have anything in mind; it's not a goal I'm particularly interested in at the moment.

  34. what is our alignment breakdown like? my guesses were...

    Manzy CE
    Taurus CE
    Catman CG
    Lazzaro LE
    Tazrun N
    Karl CE
    Ba Chim CG
    Fr. Jack CG
    Isris LG
    Wiggum N
    Colonel N

  35. I think Catman is CN. Mikah McCabe ?

  36. what is this "Chaotic Neutral" you speak of??

  37. The HC may be Holmesian but Catman defies these constraints! Or something.

  38. Clearly if a being is Chaotic it is by definition not Neutral.

    Also Lazzaro is Lawful-Evil-PosiCantons-Border (leaning Weird)-Antinimical

  39. Gonna attribute most of that idea to cole, but cool.

  40. Correct alignments for Isris and Jack. Karl is more mischievous than evil, but not really good either. Also, Karl is not able to wield one of the brother swords, as I remember doing the calculation previously.


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