OK, so right now here are the power groups that we know of in the area:

OK, so right now here are the power groups that we know of in the area:

*Tiger Cultists
*Moon Savages
*Domovi (kinda?)

*Autarch Forces
*Serpent Riders

Have I missed any?

Right now we're taking on the Tiger Cultists as our top priority. After we deal with them (or even before), I'm inclined to take out the Grot-Men. If we can take out their hive, we can get access to the river (and thus relatively simple travel throughout these hexes, with minimized chances of encountering things). 

(To that end, we should get some boats that we can keep at the dam.)


  1. Do we know where the Autarch Forces are, or is that basically just an assumption?

  2. Raróg?

    I had thought someone mentioned the presence of Autarch forces in the area - something to the effect of "The Overkingdom and the Autarchs both landed forces, but the Overkingdom withdrew after negotiating with the Decade-King. The Autarchs are still out there."

    This was when I was out of game, so it's second-hand here.

  3. Basically an assumption. Chris Kutalik said that the Autarch players were interested in the Feral Shore, but that they had varying levels of engagement.

  4. Also, there is a different race that flies on winged serpents that the moon-people mentioned as neighbors. I'm not sure if they are neighbors from when they were on the moon or here in the FS, though.

  5. maybe we should leave the Grotmen alone since they are a source of prey for more dangerous groups

  6. I feel like we're close to taking out the Tiger cultists and would very much like to strike the killing blow next week. After that, though, I'm all for eliminating the Grot-Men and the Norkers.

  7. cole long The grot-men control the river, which we definitely need to secure. We need to either establish a secure alliance with them, control them, or take them out.

  8. cole long That's an interesting theory, although it seems like there is a whole hierarchy of that sort (Domo-Arigatos are victimized and I suspect the same is true with the Norkers).

  9. I'd put the Grotmen on the long term kill list as opposed to the short term one.

    Also: my impression was that the serpent riders were not a separate race, but rather a different tribal division of the moondudes. They're like Praxians or whatever.

  10. Anthony Picaro I hadn't really considered that they could be a long-term kill. Perhaps some recon to determine their strength?

  11. Anthony Picaro The way I see it, our next settlement expansion target after the Domovoi villages is going to be the mine upriver, so we can start getting some resources. To that end, we'll need river access, since leading an expedition to and from the area is going to be extremely fraught.

    And for river access we need to be able to get through that Grot-Man base.


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