Hey Chris Kutalik what's the deal with the Silver Lady?

Hey Chris Kutalik what's the deal with the Silver Lady? Ba Chim could probably use a deity of some sort, and the Sun Lord just isn't a good fit somehow...


  1. I am doing write-ups for all the religions currently. The Celestial Lady, depending on who is talking, is either an unjustly spurned former co-deity on par with the Sun Lord in a dual-membered pantheon or an old goddess that was a "bad match and beneath the station" of the Sun Lord. If you believe the former than you consider her the representation of the female ruler of ALL DOMAINS human. Others believe her to be a relatively minor goddess of the Pahr that dealt with herd animals. 

    Her followers are considered heretics but the more mainstream Morning and Evening Star societies are fairly well tolerated in the borderlands. The aspirational alignment is CG, but most people who follow her are Neutral. Some say that the mystics of the Starry Void society are demonic. 

    Most of the Pahr Old Gods followers aspire to be Chaotic Good in keeping with the Holmesian pagan gods schema. Radagast being the one with the strongest contemporary following.

  2. Also I am doing a write up for special powers of non-Cleric priests (and for special spells for Sun Lord clerics by sect).


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