A bit of bluebooking, since I can't make sessions right now - Ba Chim would like to interrogate the two kozak chumps...

A bit of bluebooking, since I can't make sessions right now - Ba Chim would like to interrogate the two kozak chumps that we picked up in the last session.

Particularly, information about the hetman of the kozaks in the city, and what they're like.

(My thinking, as mentioned to Robert Parker in chat, is that we could try subverting/charming/impersonating the hetman and gaining control of the kozaks. This could be invaluable in getting further information about Autarch plans and intentions, since they would presumably continue to give 'their' kozak horde instructions, and would totally fuck up Autarch plans when we signal the kozaks to turn.)


  1. I'm still trying to think of anti-Autarch strategies. The basis of my ideas is that I've made an internal connection between the record-keeping of the Autarchs and the record-keeping of the credit card companies in Fight Club.

  2. ...I still need to read/watch that. (Now I have Netflix, that is more likely!)

    The Autarchs' great strength is their control over the bureaucracy and the administration of the city. This poses us with a problem - weakening their control also weakens the control of the city vs the Turko-Fey and infiltration, and weakens the abilities of the Decade-King once we make progress on that front.

    The alternative, as I see it, is to weaken the power of the bureaucracy through carefully placed sabotage and gumming up the works, while strengthening the executive powers. And making sure that doesn't work out to bite us in the ass when the Decade-King has that power.

  3. Questions to ask the kozaks:

    1. What's the name of their hetman, what the hetman is like, basic bio, etc.
    1a. What the hetman's basic habits are, how many bodyguards they have, etc.
    1b. Any vices or vulnerabilities the hetman has (always drunk, considered a coward, etc)
    2. Same info as 1-1b, but for the hetman's most likely challenger/successor.
    3. Where exactly the kozaks are billeted, and details on the encampment (how many guards, etc.) 
    4. What the hetman told the band about their job + role. 

    Anything else we want to bring up, gang?

  4. Lazzaro has no questions for the Kozaks, but can render questions into (an archaic/futuristic version of) their language if necessary.


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