What you learn about your item list Robert Parker.

What you learn about your item list Robert Parker. 

The Prime Mistress tells you, "I can give you information on three of these items, but you still owe me a favor, ahem that spear in the Underbrothel. Once you have given me that I can reveal one or two things (and the rest perhaps with some more favors)."

Grandma Gaya states that she will give you the activation words for the Hounds in exchange for the low rate of 500 suns--and a single drop of blood from six members of the Nine. About the sealed jar she smiles broadly with her mouth of shark teeth and states "and there in rests the owner of your pectoral plate."

"Perhaps you can ask him where the rest of the harness may reside in the Undercity," she adds with a chuckle.


  1. About the Onyx Cylinder the PM will nostalgically warm over and murmur something like "haven't seen one of these going on a few millennia, sad that it is missing the activation rod."

  2. Very cool, Chris Kutalik .

    Ba Chim will not be among the six who are giving blood to GG, under any circumstances. Better to spend gold on the Seers' Guild and get command words from them, rather than give GG more potential power over the group.

  3. Humza Kazmi You can bet I won't be telling you that GG needs our blood.

    Who is Zhaum, again?

  4. Where exactly did we recover the plate? Anthony Picaro?

  5. I think we picked up the pectoral when Taurus found that secret underwater passage in the Cerulean Vaults.

  6. I thought we only got demon souls?

  7. Chris Kutalik Would GG be willing to trade Zhaum for the activation words?

  8. Robert Parker sure...and the blood.

  9. Chris Kutalik Ouch.

    What about the Master? You said he had a couple free clues?

  10. The Master tells you that the copper ring will open two extra-dimensional gates in the Mountain Hall of the Hyperboreans.

  11. Robert Parker the plate is definitely from the water section of the Vaults.


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