Dungeon Tactics

Dungeon Tactics

So after two delves into the Brothel Below, it seems like we can't really get into exploring, because of the strength of the opposition. So what can we do to try and change the equation? One option, as discussed last night, is to try and get some levels and equipment under our belts and try again. That's certainly an option, but I want to try and theorize about what we can do to improve our chances without the grind.

* Spell selection. I wound up taking magic missiles rather than sleep because I thought the cyclopes would be out of sleep's hitting area. I realized that they're around 4+1 HD, which is the "single target" range of sleep. Being able to one-shot a cyclops is still a pretty good use (especially as compared to my current d6+1 damage on a mm). 

* Polearms, shields, and ranged weapons. If we wound up putting together a polearm hedge - the first two ranks armed with halberds, or something - we might be able to get more attacks in on individual targets if we can get them at chokepoints, or hold a charge at bay. To facilitate this, we might investigate the use of mantlets, like Robert Parker mentioned. (Of course, it's going to be difficult to get mantlets into the Brothel Below without attracting notice.) Similarly, the rear of the party might all grab some ranged weapons, and (before we get into melee) fire off a volley at a single target, hopefully either taking it out if we get lucky, or at least getting some damage on it before it closes with the front line.

* Fomenting further chaos. We wound up spiking some of the doors that we bypassed, to prevent flanking attacks. (Which was good, because we already got hit with one, that would have been a full flank barring Anthony Pastores 's very effective use of Hold Portal!). I'm thinking that we might be able to draw off further guards and cause more confusion through chaos. (Opening up one of those doors, sending a sandestin to carefully lay oil throughout a corridor, toss a torch in and then spike, for instance...or getting three or four war dogs and sending them to hunt down a side corridor.)

* Big Guns. If we can somehow get together a small scorpion/ballista and have it ready for door openings? Might be handy for clearing some areas.

Anyway. Nothing particularly revolutionary here, but I'm putting this up for further brainstorming as to how we can be more combat-effective.


  1. My biggest recommendation on this would be that we cannot try the front door again. If we go back in anytime soon, then gathering information on back doors and secret entrances is necessary.

    Or we send in party members unknown to the guards to scout it out during business hours (though this opportunity may be lost by now).

    I like the Sandestin oil plan. If the door has some clearance, we can even start spiking it before lighting. The noise might draw more into the fire zone.

    The spell selection discussion can be had once we get a look at what's in Smok's spellbook to see what resources we'll be dealing with moving forward. There's a high likelihood Lazzaro will be researching a room-clearer type spell (probably Lightning Bolt ) soon though.

  2. Apart from all that, I'm totally behind the plan where we go do another hook for a couple sessions and let things cool off in the brothel.

  3. I recommend killing that monster. It is my duty as Seneschal and a swelling in our store of magic items can be not but good.


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