The ritual is complete! Looking forward to seeing you guys on the 5th.

The ritual is complete! Looking forward to seeing you guys on the 5th.

Golden Barge time?


  1. We discovered an enclave of the Eld in an Under-Brothel in Kezmarok. They appear to be associated with the same late Hyperborean group that (presumably) built the barge, i.e. the Church of No Flesh, whose god we discovered in the Undercity.

    They grow cyclops soldiers from the genetic material of their clients, the rich and decadent members of the city. Since these cyclopses are hatched from pods, it also raises concerns of an Eld infiltration.

    My vote is that we wipe out the enclave in Kezmarok before taking the barge, as they represent a direct and present danger.

  2. Speaking of which...

    Chris Kutalik I drag the Eld body out with us when we leave. I'd like to cast Speak with Dead on that bastard to find out what's going on.

    I think Anthony Pastores also intended to do the same.

  3. Robert, sure figure out what questions you want asked.

  4. 1. What, to the best of your knowledge, is the extent of Eldish infiltration of Kezmarok? Please names people, places, and any connections between them that you know of.

    2. What are the Eld's plans in regards to Kezmarok and, more specifically, what are they using the Under-Brothel for?

    3. The late-era Hyperborean god in the undercity, the golden barge, and now the Under-Brothel all have a similar fleshwarping theme. Are these things related by some organization and, if so, what are that organization's goals and resources, as far as you know?

  5. Anthony Pastores If possible, please ask specifics about the controls of the golden barge, along with current defenses used to protect it.

  6. Lazzaro has not seen the barge and therefor has no designs on it, so it might be best to juggle those questions around a bit if that's your major aim. Manzafrain would be more able to ask such questions with clarity, anyway.

    I am absolutely willing to tackle #s 2 & 3 above though, as the answers to each would satisfy my own curiosity.

    Also important to keep in mind that casting Speak with Dead grants but a single minute to both ask questions and receive answers at this level.

  7. Chris Kutalik Before proceeding I would also like to call forth Hisvart and ask him the name of his master, the annihilistic kirbyesque space-abortion inhabiting the flesh pillars we found in the Cerulean Vaults of To'yh, that I may refer to him by name when questioning the Eld (to avoid any confusion).

  8. Provided Manzafrain allows Lazzaro to ask first, my questions are:

    1) What business have the Eld in Kezmarok generally and the Under-Brothel in particular?

    2) What are all of the relationships known to you among the Under-Brothel, the Golden Barge, and [Name], the omnicidal flesh-pillar god-being found in the Cerulean Vaults of To'yh, all 3 together and between each individually?

    If Lazzaro is to be asking second then I will wait until after the initial answers are received to formulate my questions.

  9. An excellent idea, Anthony Pastores. Assuming you are not saving the third question for a surprise round, perhaps you could ask him about the greatest treasure of the Under-Brothel.

  10. Robert Parker “I am bid from the depths of the Entropy cold death to answer your questions. How I may I serve you, oh limited cranial capacity one.”

    What, to the best of your knowledge, is the extent of Eldish infiltration of Kezmarok? Please names people, places, and any connections between them that you know of.

    “Until like those blundering fools of the Turko-Fey, ours is a limited but highly subtle and strategic. On the second part, the Great Book allows me to be vague in my answers, so here is my answer: fuck you.”

    What are the Eld's plans in regards to Kezmarok and, more specifically, what are they using the Under-Brothel for?

    “We desire certain objects scattered in the lower depths of the Undercity to aid us in our nefarious plans to enslave this plane of existence [breaks off to an annoyingly long evil bwahaha]. The Underbrothel is merely a pleasing diversion.”

    The late-era Hyperborean god in the undercity, the golden barge, and now the Under-Brothel all have a similar fleshwarping theme. Are these things related by some organization and, if so, what are that organization's goals and resources, as far as you know? 

    “What is more pliant and easy to harvest conduit for our fell magics, but the tissues of apes? What we can't cull directly here, we can grow in our protein vats. Cruelty in its harvesting—especially wheen coupled with a great and banal evil goal behind it--though gives the tissue a certain resilience.” 

    “Now I have finished my obligation, may you meet your demise on the end of a thick, barbed impalement stake.”

  11. Anthony Pastores oops shit answered the wrong set of questions. Well I will write those up too. 

    Hisvart's former master is Nezarr.

  12. Chris Kutalik I love the voice of these guys. (And look forward to wreaking great havoc on these damn Vermonter cousins.)


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