cole long gave me a brief rundown of last night, but I am eagerly awaiting further details on the Mighty Dragon...

cole long gave me a brief rundown of last night, but I am eagerly awaiting further details on the Mighty Dragon Hunters! 

Also, are we going to be expanding the NN pool to some of the folks from last night, or keeping the current crew?


  1. It's a good question, the short answer is I don't know and want some input from the players. All three seemed like good fits. Also both David and Jason (in a very nice note this morning) were extremely enthusiastic about playing (that's a biggie factor for me). Three seems like a big expansion on the other hand. So dunno.

  2. The short story is that the dragon died abruptly and anti-climatically in the third round after rolling a "1" on a save vs. some poison jars thrown in his mouth. He didn't even get a chance to dump a large megalomaniacal soliloquy/exposition on the party. Ha.

  3. Serves me right, I instantly reach for the escape button when I get to the cut scene monologue.

  4. Really regretting that we didn't hear his monologue. Considering it this morning, it seems a distinct possibility that his goal was to kill us specifically.

  5. Anthony Pastores I guess you'll have to console yourself with the awesome treasure and XP that you guys got. :P

    Hearing the exposition might have been handy, but so not worth the risk. We can always dig up info on our own, it's not worth losing someone to a breath weapon blast.

  6. Well you do know that Smok perversely coerced the Ptujians into offering the bounty (on his own head) in the first place.

  7. It may be possible to get the information from the Mistress, though finding a means to speak with her safely is the difficulty there.

    I do have at least one idea on that front though, which Lazzaro started working up on Monday.

    Chris Kutalik how much would a spyglass cost in Kežmarok?

  8. Oh dang there's an accent mark on the z in Kežmarok? Totally missed that...

  9. That's less me putting it there because it belongs there and more me fishing for information on whether or not it should be there.

  10. The hacek is totally there and why it's pronounced "keSH-ma-rock"

  11. In a amazing coincidence there is a small town by the same name all of 10 miles from where I used to live in Slovakia.

  12. Very crude lens are available but nothing like an actual telescope Anthony Pastores. The Overkingdom is pretty much frozen at the tech level of Europe around 1490-1500.

  13. On the subject of additions to the Nine:

    All those guys seemed cool, though it's difficult to tell everything from a single session. If the attendance of the core group continues the way it has the past few weeks, I've no problem bringing in all 3. I think the likelihood of that is small though.

    In general I defer to those who've seen the dynamics shift over a longer period of time, though it'd probably be a good idea to get a sense of what all their schedules are like for this timeslot.

  14. Well, I'll be back in March, as I've said. I don't know what the past weeks have been like regarding other folks's schedules and attendance, so I can't comment there. I've gamed with Rey before and I know he's solid; I don't really know the other two.

  15. I could see the dragon being eager to deliberately devour a ray of the sun-lord, for one

  16. Minor divinities across the Cantons seem to either hold grudges against or maintain shaky truces with the Most Puissant Lord.

    It is also my sense that the Rays grow jealous of one another.

  17. Lazzaro's pet theory for wtf is up with Manzafrain. Short version: The Sun Lord is a composite deity (313 rays) that changes over time; there is some Glorantha shit up ins.

  18. Sad to have missed the dragon and all his glorious xp. I should be back as regular as before by next week.

  19. Michael Moscrip you have a seat saved and a gift certificate good for another reserved seat sometime for your birthday.

  20. Anthony Pastores You don't have to worry about that.

  21. My thoughts on the player pool:

    This is complicated, but I think a weighted pool based on seniority and attendance would be the way to go. Let new people in, but preference should go to those who have been in it for a while (as well as those who are most active).


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