So Things Wot We Should Maybe Spend Monies On:

So Things Wot We Should Maybe Spend Monies On:

* Mercs. There seemed to be some interest in getting more troops and heading over to the warband side of things, perhaps because Feudal Anarchy is rubbing off on everyone or something. :p 

Thoughts here: what kind of force do we want to raise? What do we want to do with them to further our political objectives?

* A Ship. I don't know how many the sub can hold, and we don't have the Golden Barge just yet. If we're warbanding (or leading Away Team missions as per the island hopping discussion) then we may want a larger ship, with some marines. The marines will of course wear red.

* A Laboratory. If we're making Kezmarok our base of operations, then it may be worthwhile to do some spell research. Lazzaro is casting 3rd level spells, and Ba Chim isn't that far off. 



  1. I like the idea of putting together some [relatively inconspicuous and non-threatening-to-the-people-in-charge] troops for certain purposes. Isris has held onto the 10 surviving members of the "Charge of the Marlankh Reavers" as her new knightly retinue. Speaking of which, she needs to make sure they are fed, clothed, sheltered and entertained.

  2. Wait, those guys are still around? I thought that they went back with the archers.

  3. Well.. it's the result of a quick one-sentence question from me, and a quick "as your retinue? Sure" from Chris Kutalik in the midst of the game. Not sure about the solidity of it, but she will do her best to provide for them in the knightly fashion if they will attach themselves to her banner.

  4. Yes they are indeed still alive and deeply appreciative of Isris keeping them alive.

  5. Btw if y'all want to start hiring mercs for non-dungeon duty, you can start sending out offers to companies not parked in Kezmarok.

  6. EDIT: Another thought for cash - supporting merchant ventures and starting to get the Kezmarok port more active.

  7. I would like to invest in a shipping business!

  8. Normally Kezmarok's Right to Own laws would place enormous and expensive restrictions on owning said business, but as heroes you would get a way better deal.

  9. Any chance of becoming privateers raiding Kezmarok's former holdings and supported by the decade-crown?

  10. Also, ship + mercs is good. I think a lab is a good idea, too, but probably something or you and Lazzaro in particular.

  11. Yeah, I didn't expect everyone to chip in on the lab, but I thought it was worth mentioning in the same post. Also relevant because then both Lazzaro and Ba Chim can conduct joint research, and possibly get some new spells faster, particularly spells which fulfill a need for something we've been wanting in the party.

  12. As for privateering, it's definitely a thought! I'd want to wait a little bit on that until we get a better sense of what's happening to the city post decade-king assassination.


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