Property Held in Common

Property Held in Common


Fauxbringer: Chaotic blade of Cirl the Petulant [Ba Chim]
1. Illegitimate Sword +2.
2. Int 5, Ego 14, “speaks” in grunts and high-pitched whines.
3. 2x daily may strikes as +3 for 2 rounds, costs 1 HP in blood.
4. Casts Jump and Nystul's Magical Kickstarter once per day.

The Four Brother-Blades of the Evening Red [][][][]
1. Longsword +0.
2. Int 5, Ego 15, tremendous malign potency turns wielder towards debased, violent, wanton evil.
3. If all 4 used in one party: +2 to hit and damage.
4. If all 4 used in one party: On a natural 20, the blade lands a near scalping blow to a humanoid causing an additional d6 bleeding damage.
4. Striking the 4 blades together while chanting “hrom, hrom, hrom” (Muhtl for “thunder”) will produce Call Lightning 1/day at the level of strongest wielder.

+2 Hand Axe Head on Mundane Handle [Kuhnalemminkainen]
Has unknown second power

+2 Short Sword [Taurus]

Green Steel Maces (6) [Lazzaro][TERMEX][Tazrun][Fr. Jack][Mulmak][Ool]
+0, +2 vs Otherworlders

Immense Eldish Sword [Pickle]
1. Very light and pointy
2. 2handed, 1d10 damage
3. +1, +3 vs enemies of the Eld 

Arrows of Tor (3) [Taurus][][]
Slender ivory arrows that break upon contact. +5 to hit, 5d6 damage.


The Armor Dear of Prince Xzhilhaag [Wiggum]
 +2 Plate Armor (+4 if carried by a being over STR  19) but due to its extreme weight can only be used by characters with STR over 13. Even those characters will be so weighed down as to be only able to move at the Encumbered rate and will be for all practical purposes encumbered. 

Silver Suits (4) [] [] [] []
Silvery foil-like demonspace suit with a matching helmet with reflective face plate. AC: 7. When full suit with helmet is worn. 75% resistance to “magic radiation,” fire, and cold. 100% resistance to gas-based effects. Attacks over 25 hp in damage will cause the suit to make a saving throw or be destroyed.  Mental receptors in helmet can communicate telepathically with other helmets within 100 feet.  Cannot be worn with armor. 


The Resplendent Cincture of Lammaus, Arch-Pulpitarian of Yhoundeh, the Hyperborean Elk-Goddess [Ba Chim or Isris]
Properties when worn by “good” aligned character:
1. Character will always know the cardinal direction they face and never become lost in the wilderness.
2. Once a week can call an enormous white elk as a mount (will fight in combat). The elk will remain in service for three days or death before vanishing in a puff of noxious green smoke. Killed by Smok, Scion of Zirnitra. The Prime Mistress offered to restore it in exchange for a spear found beyond the Underbrothel.
3. An unclear power that has something to do with the shifting of extradimensional gates. (More investigation required).
[Info from the Prime Mistress of the Latter Day Hyperboreans: Belt can hold open and keep stable gates to the Summer Country. This property is activated simply by entering the portal. Also - Lammaus was a stodgy old boor.]

Toe-Ring of Vastri the Hopping Prophet
Of alien origin.
1. Causes Severe Dampness one-mile radius once per day. All bowstrings are dampened and are -2 to attack (half effective range). All normal fires are extinguished and visibility is limited to 60 yards due to the foggy conditions. Lasts for one hour. 
2. Causes huge hard-knobby warts to cover a person's face once per day. Can only be removed with Cure Serious Wounds or Cure Disease. -2 to afflicted person's CHA.
3. Can summon either a frogling from the Dark Country or a bullywug from Greyhawk once per day. They will be whisked back to their plane at midnight. 

Bone Staff from the Cerulean Vaults [Lazzaro]
Usable only by MU-type casters
1. The staff is very old, predating the Hyperboreans even (6500+ years old)
2. It seems infused with two "layers" of magic, one comprehensible to you, the other so old as to be not.
3. Known and useable power is the ability to cast ESP, Clairvoyance, or Clairaudience. It's power seems limited but the number of "charges" is unknown. [Charges used: 3]

Silver Helmet [Manzafrain]
1. Covered in loose geometric swirls.
2. "Coded" as a telepathic translator into “Godtalk”, a dialect of Archaic Hyperborean.

Golden Statuette of Hisvart, Necromancer-Manservant [Lazzaro]
Usable only by MU-type casters
1. May be summoned 1/week for 1-4 hours.
2. Allows the casting of 2 additional 1st level MU spells.
3. Allows the casting of an additional 2nd level MU spell with a successful intelligence check.
4. Seems in life to have been subservient to the omnicidal flesh-column god of the Cerulean Vaults.

The Staff of the Ragi [Manzafrain]
1. Useable only by illusionists and mountebanks
2. Grants the ability to cast Fool's Gold and Nystul's Magical Aura once a day.
3. Grants the user an additional 1st level and 2nd level spell slot when grasped in hand (letting go will erase the spells from memory and the spells must be re-memorized as usual)
4. Strikes as +1 weapon and oddly can be used to backstab

Ux Loddhan's Crown [Tazrun]
1. Seems to have been forged in the Classical Hyperborean period by the northern necromancer-king Ur Loddhan for his son Ux. 
2. +16% (or +1 on a d6 roll) to all skill-based checks.
3. Wearer can detect invisible, ethereal, astral, or otherwise abnormally obscured creatures.
4. Wearer is immune to illusions of all types. 
5. Extraordinary downward force causes 1 damage per round worn. If wearer is killed by this force, the relic will physically crack through the bone of the skull before coming to rest. 

The Magnificent Hand of Burnoos the Birddog [Manzafrain]
available from the Warlock Augomila for 2000 suns (he will also barter for full or partial payment in magic items). This resplendent magical gauntlet can do the full range of functions as a hand, but is locked in an index pointing position when at rest. Every third day the user can cast Locate Object. 

White Scabbard [Isris]
Know Alignment & Mirror Image each 1/day
Personality is Lawful Good & feminine

The Gilded Molar of Archembald [Lazzaro]
Inserted magically into the empty tooth hole of a spellcaster, granting an additional first-level spell slot. 

Ring of Walking on the Water
Unknown charges

Baton of Poisonous Gases [TERMEX]

Telescoping Door-Rods (3) [1 used]
Unlock & disarm traps on associated doors


Feral Shore Wizard's Spellbook []
Sleep, Spider Climb, Mend, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic; Levitate, Rope Trick, Darkness Globe; Dispel Magic, Hold Person, Animate Dead, Wizard Eye

Smok's Grimore [Manzafrain]
Sleep, Detect Magic, Ventriloquism, Shield, Charm Person, Darkness, Web, ESP, Silence 10', Invisibility, Feign Death

Clerical scroll of Sticks to Snakes

Clerical scroll of Cure Anxiety (Remove Fear)


Force Cube Bracelet
Engineering domain game skill check required to Identify.


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