
Showing posts from August, 2016

Radomir's Downtime Activities

Radomir's Downtime Activities Chaska Clan Relocation Plan Stage 1: Radomir is now commencing a longterm series of actions intended to get the Chaska clan to sell him the rest of the tower at bargain basement prices. His first, modest step, is to introduce a rat infestation into the upper floors by placing choice morsels in the ceiling and introducing some starter rats. Assemble the Materials for Ghost Spider Creation: Radomir has a 100 GP per hit dice bounty out on 1 HD or larger spiders. No questions asked. Cursed Lead Tablet Researches: Having studied the lead tablets that imprisoned the green lady of the woods, he is now turning to study the lead tablets from within the cursed black altar. He wants to decipher the ancient hyperborean inscriptions on them. He also wants to understand better how such curses work and are constructed. Of course, the question he ultimately asks himself is: will it be possible for me to employ such curses in the construction of my lair? In future sess...



Here be the starting point for the actual system. You will note:

Here be the starting point for the actual system. You will note: 1. Based on Robert Parker and Gus L's input I reframed the sitting out of a session from an Obligation to a Career Opportunity. So it becomes a purely voluntary, advantageous thing. 2. Obligations have been changed into a rote thing that only has some kind of penalty if the PC is away from a long time from their weekly duties (which I decreased the amount of tow). I retained a Throwing Money at it thing to allow players to not care about this. piece. 3. The long list of stuff open in Revoca is not exhaustive nor are the Perks and other bits set in stone. If you can co-create some ideas for positions or other bits about the position, go to town (veto dependent naturally). 4. Office holdings are open to any player who has played in Revoca in the last two months (or open when next time you play). 5. PCs may be able to hold multiple offices though I need to think how that works. 6. Still working out Standing, Social Cla...

original chaos monk character sheet seen in the wilds of the internet

original chaos monk character sheet seen in the wilds of the internet

Going to be running a session of Misty Isles at TridentCon in October, with the PCs as the crew of the Ocular Bat...

Going to be running a session of Misty Isles at TridentCon in October, with the PCs as the crew of the Ocular Bat trying to raid the Isles. I think I'm going to be following Chris Kutalik 's idea from NTRPG of having each of the PCs have their own secret agenda. So with six player slots, I'm definitely going to have the Daughter of Ondrj, Agent Xoxx, and a War-Bear. My thought is to have Black Hobbit, Robo-Dwarf, and a White Wizard, but I'm worried this becomes a bit too fighter-y. Any suggestions on alternate classes to toss in? Any fun secret agenda ideas I should toss into the pot, as things that might help Xoxx but not be utterly opposed to the PCs' success?

House Rule Input Consultation.

House Rule Input Consultation. So recent Hydra talk of putting out a Hill Cantons game (LL/BX rules chassis with all the weird classes, variant subsystems etc) had me dusting off a scad of old unfinished subsystems many of which deal with the social fabric of Zem. Tthere's a long point of origin chart that I am finishing, a revision of the alternate character generation system to be more contemporary with campaign growth, an expansion of religious/magical college/chivalric/criminal institutions etc). Standing is a “social level” concept I will start using that is a combination of your level plus your social class of origin (or adoption). Immediately implementable punchline: At fifth level a PC becomes eligible for buying into local office (broadly speaking): an entry-level position within the Canton government/legal system, a contrada society junior officer, guild journeyman (and this extends to a business such as owning an inn), magical college good standing member, mercenary off...

Chris Kutalik I am going to convert your SUD, FDM, and Misty Isles for use in my local Rolemaster game.

Chris Kutalik I am going to convert your SUD, FDM, and Misty Isles for use in my local Rolemaster game. Wish me luck. : )

Yo brain trust

Yo brain trust, So I have this sub-level that I've written into the Frog Demon Temple in which the players can burst in on this frog demon literary salon. Robert Parker had the helpful idea of me having some sample books from the Hot Hell. I could think of 8, suggestions for the last two (can even just be a rough idea). The Ten Hottest Books of the Hill Canton's Hot Hell 1. Applied Hedonics: Are you Pleasuring Yourself Enough at the Cost of Others? Written by the Shade of Tizzard, a rising newcomer to the Hot Hell literary scene, the author rings the warning bell on creeping weal in the City Whose Brass Towers Stand Beyond. 2. The Paleo-Soul Diet: A Homecoming to Primal Demonic Gastronomy. The case for the return to simple Cave Dwarf spirit essence-cuisine. Channel your inner Zombastadon. 3. Capital in the XXIII Aeon. Everyone claims to have read this 2,358 page exploration of demonic political economy 4. Three Word Title: A Guide to the Naming of Products Auteur and Ludic. A s...

Players map of the pocket dimension beyond the mural in the Aviary.

Players map of the pocket dimension beyond the mural in the Aviary.