
Showing posts from June, 2015

man, fuck a gnome

man, fuck a gnome

The quick take from last Tuesday's game.

The quick take from last Tuesday's game. As mentioned in the event invite two BFD events occurred (removing the void next to the Domovoy villages and entering the Norker mecha). Critters Killed: Black oozy/wispy rodent beast Exp per player (mostly from bonus for both events):  1420

This looked very HC to me.

This looked very HC to me.

No game tonight James Aulds cole long Robert Parker Evan Elkins Michael Moscrip, we will return next week.

No game tonight James Aulds cole long Robert Parker Evan Elkins Michael Moscrip, we will return next week. IN the mean time what do y'all want to do in the short run (so I can help prep that shit)?
Y'all playing tomorrow?
Happy annual trip around the great ball of fire in the sky to Nefarious member Humza K! Many happy returns!
No game tonight, too much to do before I leave for North Texas tomorrow. Sorrys!