
Showing posts from August, 2014

Restarted my 5E setting.

Restarted my 5E setting. Inspired by Chris Kutalik's World Turtle. I present to you the World of GURGAXIA, and my current notes: The world turns and every few thousand years the Great Cosmic Dragon returns to stomp out life and create it anew. The world of GURGAXIA exists inside the footprint of the Cosmic Dragon. It is now the 5th Age of Gurgaxia over the last 40,000 years.  The Original Dawn of Gurgaxia  -An age of discovery, wild lands populated by primitive societies. Little organization, chaos reigned supreme. Mad Wizards ruled and delved deep to create their lairs. The 1st Age  -Society advanced, and codified rules of law were set down. There were still wild pockets of Chaos and Mad Wizards. The 2nd Age  -Multiple world settlements occured, the culture was bland and diluted.  The 3rd Age  -A new age for Gurgaxia, a land rules by mighty heroes with feats of derring-do. The gates to multiple worlds were opened, and could not be closed again. The 4th Age  -In an effort to close ...

Chris Kutalik & cole long here is the pdf-erized version of cole's 5E Robo Dwarf racial build.

Chris Kutalik & cole long here is the pdf-erized version of cole's 5E Robo Dwarf racial build.

As an experiment I converted Taurus to 5E:

As an experiment I converted Taurus to 5E: TAURUS HELL'S HEART Fighter 7 (Background : Entertainer / Archetype: Battle Master) Human, Chaotic Evil STR 13 +1 DEX 20 +5 CON 18 +4 INT 14 +2 WIS  6 -2 CHA  8 -1 Proficiency Bonus : +3 AC: 21 Initiative: +5 Speed : 40 HP: 74 Hit Dice: 7d10 Attacks :  Eldish Saber +8 1d8+6 Short Bow +8 1d6 SAVING THROWS STR +4 DEX +8 CON +7 INT +2 WIS -2 CHA -1 PROFICIENCIES: Armor : All Armor, Shields Weapons : Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons Tools : Musical Instrument (Concertina), Disguise Kit, Brewer's Supplies Saving Throws: STR, CON, DEX Skills: Acrobatics, Performance, Athletics, Intimidation, Perception, Survival SKILLS: Acrobatics +8 Animal Handling -2,  Arcana +2 Athletics +5 Deception -1 History +2 Insight -2 Intimidation +2 Investigation +2 Medicine -2 Nature +2 Perception +1 Performance +2 Persuasion -1 Religion +2 Sleight of Hand +5 Stealth +5 Survival +1 Languages : Common, Old Pahr CLASS FEATURES: Fighting Style (Dueling), Second Wind,...

Ok so here's the shitty players side and front views of the Curtained Ziggarut to help you get an idea of what's...

Ok so here's the shitty players side and front views of the Curtained Ziggarut to help you get an idea of what's going on. Note that the top view's scale is totally jacked should be more proportionate to the side view. Mea culpa.

Happy Birthday to fellow Niner Reynaldo Madriñan.

Happy Birthday to fellow Niner Reynaldo Madriñan.  Enjoy your day of birth Rey!
So, what did I miss last night? Did Chris Kutalik return after I left?

New and improved D'ANGO character sheet, now with even more wang! Behold the pantless barbarian in all his glory.

New and improved D'ANGO character sheet, now with even more wang! Behold the pantless barbarian in all his glory.  I need to learn to draw feet and legs better. : )



To help you with your Merc shopping, here's a list of Merc troop types by quality and availability (A being most...

To help you with your Merc shopping, here's a list of Merc troop types by quality and availability (A being most available).  Elites: Nurian Soldier-Bears (A if doing the deal with the Master) Ostrovan pikemen (D currently) Kozak horse-archers (B) Northland atlatl-men (B, but distant) Bila-Urkithian Amazon horse archers (C) Oiorpatian Amazon skirmishers (B, but distant) Good: Laid-off units of the Overking's Black Army (B) Marlank Reavers (C, but close) Muth Tridentmen (C, but close) Fair: Southlands merc companies (AA, cheap and plentiful) Scarlet Sul. Spearmen (B, distant)

Troop Procurement

Troop Procurement We're currently thinking of setting up a temple to the Master and getting a unit of war-bears (wooo!). That could take 5000 gp or 13000 GP, depending on what tier of the Bearstarter we go for.  That said, we should also look into a) hiring other units to defend the Shore, b) recruiting and training troops from our populace. Chris Kutalik said that we could probably get another 30 or so troops from our populace right now, I believe.  We can probably have hirelings and/or Lady I serve as cadre for training troops, especially since I don't want to pull any of our troops off the line right now.

Fire-Dwarf Negotiations

Fire-Dwarf Negotiations As discussed in-session, we want to try and cement a permanent alliance with the fire dwarves. We should probably also discuss mine issues.

looking over the map, i know we left off last night in the sea of grass, would the place we are looking for be near...

looking over the map, i know we left off last night in the sea of grass, would the place we are looking for be  near the ceramic city? or are we a few squares west of that
can i get a link for the hill cantons tshirt that Humza Kazmi  showed off tonight

FYI, there's a strong chance I may have to do some travel for work starting next Tuesday evening.

FYI, there's a strong chance I may have to do some travel for work starting next Tuesday evening. If I do obviously there will be no game (but I am going to use comp time and run a Slumbering Ursine Dunes FS game in the afternoon regardless.) Also if I don't travel we will have a evening game.