Humza Kazmi Michael Moscrip Evan Elkins Anthony Picaro Humza and I had an interesting discussion this afternoon that I thought I'd share with the rest of the group. 1. The Master and the Old Smith are likely godlings at odds, with the Old Smith being an avatar / ray / emanation of the Sun Lord. They are fighting for control of the Slumbering Ursine Dunes, with The Master likely being the "bear" in question. While I'd previously seen this as a Law / Chaos dynamic (or Core / Weird), further discussion raised an interesting question: The Old Smith and the Eld are not in cahoots against The Master, but both are Lawful and clearly opposed to him. How can the Anti-Cantons and the Core be against each other when both are aligned with Law? That's when I remembered the five-fold alignment setup of the Hill Cantons. While The Master is clearly Chaotic Good, the Old Smith is Lawful Good and the Eld are Lawful Evil. This blew my mind. If true, the cosmological conflicts we...