
Showing posts from April, 2013

Is it just me or would these make pretty awesome Eld minis?

Is it just me or would these make pretty awesome Eld minis?

Communal Weapons Pool

Communal Weapons Pool Currently - 3 Eld swords (d8+1 damage) 1 two-handed sword of quality (d10+1 damage), used by 100% of NN landsknecht (Someone picked up the Aladdin scimitar right?) I don't remember if we have any Shaq-Fu Automaton bows or extra Eld weapons lying around.

Hey Chris Kutalik is there going to be any way for Ba Chim to fix up his reputation in Kezmarok, carousing-wise?

Hey Chris Kutalik is there going to be any way for Ba Chim to fix up his reputation in Kezmarok, carousing-wise? Right now, because of the one mishap he rolled, he has to pay double to carouse - putting carousing at the same value as conspicuous consumption. Since we are back in the Big K long-term, I'd like to try and fix things up :)

Commented on the Courtney/Grimtooth stuff here:

Commented on the Courtney/Grimtooth stuff here: (It's Jack Shear's stream, since I don't think Courtney opened his up to comments.)

A thought from the middle of sleep.

A thought from the middle of sleep. The ogres are in the two barracks flanking the corridor. They charge out when the tripwire breaks. That is the perfect time for a killing ground - Web (2x) plus the caltrops and oil. Father Jack hits the area with a silence 15' radius to minimize Eld comms.

What you learn about your item list Robert Parker.

What you learn about your item list Robert Parker.  The Prime Mistress tells you, "I can give you information on three of these items, but you still owe me a favor, ahem that spear in the Underbrothel. Once you have given me that I can reveal one or two things (and the rest perhaps with some more favors)." Grandma Gaya states that she will give you the activation words for the Hounds in exchange for the low rate of 500 suns--and a single drop of blood from six members of the Nine. About the sealed jar she smiles broadly with her mouth of shark teeth and states "and there in rests the owner of your pectoral plate." "Perhaps you can ask him where the rest of the harness may reside in the Undercity," she adds with a chuckle.

Humza Kazmi Michael Moscrip Evan Elkins Anthony Picaro

Humza Kazmi Michael Moscrip Evan Elkins Anthony Picaro  Humza and I had an interesting discussion this afternoon that I thought I'd share with the rest of the group. 1. The Master and the Old Smith are likely godlings at odds, with the Old Smith being an avatar / ray / emanation of the Sun Lord. They are fighting for control of the Slumbering Ursine Dunes, with The Master likely being the "bear" in question. While I'd previously seen this as a Law / Chaos dynamic (or Core / Weird), further discussion raised an interesting question: The Old Smith and the Eld are not in cahoots against The Master, but both are Lawful and clearly opposed to him. How can the Anti-Cantons and the Core be against each other when both are aligned with Law? That's when I remembered the five-fold alignment setup of the Hill Cantons. While The Master is clearly Chaotic Good, the Old Smith is Lawful Good and the Eld are Lawful Evil. This blew my mind. If true, the cosmological conflicts we...