
Showing posts from December, 2016
Hey forgot to mention no game tonight. We are hosting a Hanukkah party (from hell).

Got a reasonable map ready for a By This Whatever play-test.

Got a reasonable map ready for a By This Whatever play-test. Need to find some markers instead of the figurines as there are not enough variety of pre-made figures for most unit types.

almost a hillcantons scene

almost a hillcantons scene

Extremely abridged takes for the last three sessions:

Extremely abridged takes for the last three sessions: Mastodon Ambush Session KIA: three mastodons, 9 cult warriors Mastodon hides 1,100 gold suns Exp per player: 1610 Inside the Hyperborean Tunnels Session KIA: four CON-sucking ghoulies, 20 warriors, two floating snakes Jewelry and other offerings 1,500 gold suns Exp per player: 1180 Frying the Barricades Session KIA: 62 cult warriors Exp per player: 250

Pohasko set-piece battle thread!

Pohasko set-piece battle thread! Let's get our planning and shenanigans on. Robert Parker does Mstislav have access to speak with animals ? Since it's not technically an attack, we might be able to sneak him behind the enemy battle lines and sweet-talk the mammoths into defecting (even before dropping charms on them during the battle).

Forgot to mention that this joint slate city council campaign (my baby) is being launched tonight at a public event.

Forgot to mention that this joint slate city council campaign (my baby) is being launched tonight at a public event. So no game tonight. Back the following week and Drink Deep of Battle is pretty much ready for prime time.



Ok so based on some shockingly useful feedback from Sammy here is the Basic Game version of By this Whatever.

Ok so based on some shockingly useful feedback from Sammy here is the Basic Game version of By this Whatever. Probably will even incorporate some of the slimming down into the Advanced Game.

did you know there is a hill cantons toy line on amazon?

did you know there is a hill cantons toy line on amazon?
First draft attempt at By This Whatever.

Newly revised battlefield board.

Newly revised battlefield board.