Hey fellows, I decided to share this with you because I'm curious as to what you all think, I respect your gaming chops and I most of you are. This is my reskinning of a Very Old Red Dragon for my current game. The party is unlikely to face it unless they are abominably suicidal while they waltz about it's desolation, but they may see it as a distant shadow and will likely meet it's 2-8HD spawn fairly regularly. Here's a link - and feel free to comment, though don't bother with grammer and such - this is a rough draft. I think the dragon gives a good idea of how I want to treat very powerful enemies as far as immunities, defense, attacks and damage. The effort is to create an enemy that actually feels as terrifying as a 160' magma spitting bull/reptile should be. If this isn't cool for this community let me know, I'll delete. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pOrfU6BBZYbpnCUzQZse9gE5YFzyRbaBkucFzrFAcfU/edit?usp=sharing