Mongolian Folk Metal is a thing, apparently. Is this the soundtrack of the invading Kozaks? Because it should be.
Happy Happy Day of your birth to the founding member of our merry band of misfits and miscreants, Chris Kutalik! May the grand Ol' Sol bless you on your yearly lap around his bright bloated brilliance.
Hey All, So I sent out an Event invite for next week's game. In a completely boneheaded move, the new G+ interface has gotten rid of Events (and Hangouts directly from G+). To use them you have to roll back to the old interface (there's a little tiny link in the bottom left corner). Let me know if you didn't get a notification.
Alas poor Hera and the failed poison save. Soon one shall arive to take her place. with the stats i rolled im not sure but i do like this