
Showing posts from March, 2017

Mulmak (and really all of the NN's hirelings).

Mulmak (and really all of the NN's hirelings).

Someone is making Eld blades

Someone is making Eld blades
Deeper into the Pinccaves

games submitted for NorthTexas

games submitted for NorthTexas Dungeon Tiki: Suffering Bastards Pending Review Saturday at 08:30 6 hours Dungeon Tiki: Valkyrie-A-Go Go Pending Review Pre-Con-Get-It-On (Wed) at HMS Apollyon: Leathernecks in Hell Pending Review Thursday at 09:00 HMS Apollyon: Valhalla can wait Pending Review Friday at 09:30 5 hours

Chris Kutalik is out tonight doing politicky stuff, but also suggested that someone else run during the nights that...

Chris Kutalik is out tonight doing politicky stuff, but also suggested that someone else run during the nights that he's doing campaign work. From the current regulars: Robert Parker, cole long, Gus L, any of y'all interested in running something tonight? (I could maybe do something in LotB but I'm a bit rusty, and James Aulds is feeling too tired to run tonight.)

Happy, happy, birthday to Nefarious Evan Elkins!

Happy, happy, birthday to Nefarious Evan Elkins! Enjoy this day of celebration of your yearly lap around grand ol' Sol. Many happy returns you Nefarious old man.